Stories for July 2008


Thursday, July 31

Company teaches a hard lesson to students

It may be summer break, but Dartanyan Perry will be going back to school having learned a hard lesson. As his mother, Angela Frisina, puts it, "What are they teaching kids ... how to be a con artist?"

Letters to the editor

Congressman clarifies a quote On July 28,the Nevada Appeal ran an Associated Press article called "Heller, Derby rematch seen in House race." In that article, a comment contributed to me was taken out of context, and I want to set the record straight.

Teachers, cops and firefighters, oh my!

Whenever the issue of laying off government employees is raised, the Left likes to misrepresent the discussion by declaring that to mean teachers, cops and firefighters " as though there are no other kinds of government workers employed by taxpayers. With that in mind, I did a quick search of taxpayer-funded UNLV's Web site to see if there are any government workers there who AREN'T teachers, cops or firefighters.

Sheriff's Log

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Community briefs

Carson City Historical Society hosts yard sale

Wednesday, July 30

Letters to the editor

An idea for bridge builders I once again saw the bridge being constructed between Reno and Carson City and wondered about the crosswinds that will be encountered there.

There's plenty to discover close to home

When you hear people begin talking about "silver linings," you can be pretty sure there's a dark cloud nearby.

Sheriff credits the force: More officers on the street means less crime in Vegas

You almost want to be the sheriff on days like this.


Carson City Indian taco sale fundraiser Friday

Tuesday, July 29

Sheriff's blotter

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

They're not going to take it, and neither should you

The actions taken by apartment tenants last weekend to keep alleged gang members from tagging their mailboxes may not have been what law enforcement officers would recommend, but we applaud them for taking action.

Grand jury report confirms what we already knew " working together makes sense

A recent grand jury report of Douglas County's operations corroborated what may Carson City officials have long been saying " it's better for the two entities to work together toward a brighter economic future than it is to compete.

Avoid the crowds ... vote early

Early voting has already begun at the Carson City Clerk's Office, at the Court House on the corner of E. Musser and Roop Streets. You have until Friday, Aug. 8, then you'll have to wait 'til election day on Aug. 12. The Appeal had a complete rundown of candidates in Saturday's paper.

Getting real about energy with Congressman Heller

In an op-ed piece in the Nevada Appeal last month " "It's Time for Real Energy Solutions," " Congressman Dean Heller wrote about high fuel prices and the pain they are causing Nevada's families and economy. He wrote, "a real energy policy will address the very basic cause of high prices " supply and demand."


Carson City Historical Society yard sale Saturday

Monday, July 28

Sheriff's log

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Sunday, July 27

Saturday, July 26

No need for panic, but concerns linger about bank closures

The news about the closure of 28 branches of 1st National Bank of Nevada and First Heritage Bank, some operating in Nevada, was startling.

Friday, July 25

Letters to the editor

Thanks to governor, armory is looking much better

The real party of special interests

Barack Obama is given to calling the GOP a party captive of hateful special interests.

This nation of whiners wants a new course for America

Former Sen. Phil Gramm, sometimes referred to as John McCain's economic brain, got in trouble recently for calling America "a nation of whiners."

There's still no pot of gold at the end of the Yucca Mountain rainbow

A few of my Republican friends, including prominent Reno blogger/columnist Ty Cobb and fellow Appeal columnist Chuck Muth, continue to lobby for the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump even though they must know that the highly toxic project is dead or dying. Although I admire their persistence, I think they're advocating for a lost cause.

Past Pages

by Trent Dolan


Carson City HorseShoe Club party tonight features auction

Thursday, July 24

Why I support nuclear waste storage at Yucca Mountain

Rep. Dean Heller (R-Nevada) said this week that "he supports nuclear energy as long as its highly radioactive waste is stored where it is produced," not at Yucca Mountain. Meanwhile, Bloomberg News reported on Wednesday that "About 74 kilograms of uranium leaked two weeks ago from a nuclear waste plant ... at the site behind (Sophie Delmas') mother's home in Bollene (France)." The report noted that 14,000 people live in Bollene.

A spiral into homelessness, chapter two

When Steve walked out of my office on July 8, I sensed that he was optimistic. To say he'd been down on his luck would not fully describe the difficulties he had faced. Until that moment, he had been a few days from being truly homeless after medical and financial bombshells exploded the basically normal family life he'd been living.

Sheriff's log

The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:


Carson City Craft Fair at Sierra Rose Florist

Wednesday, July 23

Heard outside Starbucks: 'Brother, can you spare a Frappuccino?'

When Starbucks announced it was closing 600 underperforming stores, including 17 in Southern Nevada, I imagined street corners across the nation lined with out-of-work baristas.

Sheriffs' Log

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:


Carson City Explore Hong Kong at the library

Dining out in a down economy

In today's economic climate with the soaring prices of fuel and food going through the roof, with no relief in sight, I thought it was a good time to share some ideas about dining out at your favorite restaurants. It is no surprise that as a direct result from the cost of fuel that dining out is becoming more and more of an economic strain on our pocketbooks.

Chance for consensus exists now in Iraq

The combined forces of domestic political pressure in the United States and an increasingly confident government in Iraq are creating a rare opportunity in our protracted conquest of that country " the chance for consensus. It is time for hard-liners on all sides of the issue to back down and agree on a responsible, orderly withdrawal of U.S. forces, to begin forthwith.

You don't have to drive far to have a great vacation

"If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own backyard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with!" " Dorothy, in "The Wizard of Oz"

Letters to the Editor

Diet is as important as exercise

Tuesday, July 22


Carson City Buy a cup of coffee for Relay for Life

Sheriff's Log

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Monday, July 21

Sheriff's log

Sheriff's Log Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Is the governor really just like us?

The governor, in a recent television interview, suggested he wants to be just like everybody else.

A chance to help out a family in need

A lot of fine people are going all out on Saturday, Aug. 23 to help Ron Toews (pronounced Tayves) and his family, at Decades Bar & Grill at 1475 Old Hot Springs Road. There will be a barbecue, golf tournament, classic car show, and live Rock 'n' Roll. Fun for all. It will help Ron and his wife, Mikki, with his medical bills while he awaits a liver transplant. For additional information, please call 691-1995 or 450-2281, and help this worthy cause. Many thanks.

Letters to the editor

Apology for faulty signs


Carson City Stomp for Alzheimer's

Sunday, July 20

Sheriff's Log

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Saturday, July 19

Friday, July 18

It's time to get serious about picking candidates

No matter how significant you view the problems facing Carson City, or any other Northern Nevada community, there's something to feel good about: There are a lot of people willing to step up and do their part to solve them.

Election 2008 finally lays bare campaign finance mess

Sen. Barack Obama received a lot of flack for withdrawing from public financing for the general election, and rightfully so.

Letters to the editor

Gibbons should be recalled; Marvel should step down

What makes the capital region special in the eyes of business owners?

I truly enjoy working with Nevada Business Connections (NBC), encouraging companies to relocate or expand in northern Nevada, ultimately creating new jobs.

Iraq should call the shots

If most Iraqis think American troops should go home " and most of them do according to recent public opinion polls " and Iraqi leaders are calling for a timetable for the orderly withdrawal of our troops, why is the Bush administration hemming and hawing about pulling U.S. combat brigades out of Iraq? I think the answer to that question derives from "The Arrogance of Power," the title of a best-selling book written by the late Sen. J. William Fulbright (D-Ark.) during the Cold War.

Help us help you become an informed voter

When you're deciding how to vote, where do you go for information?


Carson City Computer Class registration at senior center

Thursday, July 17

It's a beautiful place, if you can overlook the trash

I've spent many hours on a mountain bike this summer exploring some of the wild places in and around Carson City, an endeavor that has left me with not only a lot of bumps, bruises and scrapes, but an overall impression that this is a spectacular place for those who love the outdoors.

Sheriff's log

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Letters to the editor

It will take courage to fix Nevada's woes

Gut-check time for "Gumby" Republicans

Many of the Republican state Assembly's top candidates with realistic chances of picking up seats in November have thus far refused to sign the same Taxpayer Protection Pledge that fellow Republican Gov. Jim Gibbons has already signed. Despite the economic abyss Nevada taxpayers find themselves in today, these candidates want to "keep their options" open as far as tax hikes are concerned.

Wednesday, July 16

Terry Moore made most of every moment during remarkable career

Terry Moore is the hall-of-fame Hollywood hottie who tamed a big gorilla and billionaire Howard Hughes, but she counts climbing onto center stage at the Fabulous Flamingo as one of the greatest challenges of her remarkable career.

Conserving water: Makes sense, saves money

Americans' love affairs with their cars is well documented, a relationship that only $4 gas has been able to crack.

Sheriffs' Log

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Tuesday, July 15

Sheriff's Log

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Campaign signs a small but important matter

The Nevada Secretary of State could decide any time now whether mayoral candidate Sean Lehmann's signs are misleading voters to think he's the incumbent.

There's something to be said for doing things the hard way

When I was 6 years old, my parents and I lived in a three room apartment above Kresge's dimestore. We had no refrigerator, so in summer Mother ran water in the sink to keep the butter, eggs, and milk cool. Fortunately, the A & P grocery store was several stores down, on the other side of Lafayette (Main) Street, so we didn't have far to walk lugging our bags of groceries. Usually we didn't have more than two bags, since we had to shop every day or the meat or fish we bought were sure to spoil.

Monday, July 14

Letters to the editor

Euthanization same as slaughter

Don't take chances in the heat

It's that time of year again ... DO NOT, under any circumstances, leave your children or pets in your car for even a minute. Temperatures can soar to unlivable conditions in just a few minutes and kill those left unattended in a car or truck. "I forgot," or "I didn't know," are NOT excuses. And, if you see a child or pet left in an unattended car, call 911 IMMEDIATELY ... they will respond, and you may save a life. Nancy Carnahan says you can also call Animal Control at 887-2171 or Dispatch at 887-2007. Thank you!

Term limits: 12 years means 12 years

On Monday, the Nevada Supreme Court heard arguments in the historic case, Miller v. Burk, over whether term limits were enacted constitutionally when Nevadans voted to amend the state constitution in 1994 and 1996.

Sheriffs' Log

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Sunday, July 13


Carson City Evening of dance, revolution at library

Sheriffs' Log

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Saturday, July 12

Public transportation looking better all the time

Who would have guessed that word of a station selling gas for $4 a gallon would spread rapidly - because it's a bargain price.

Changes in fish farming keep salmon on the table

What's going on with the commercial fishing industry these days? My fish guy just told me that all commercial salmon fishing from Vancouver to Mexico has been banned for the next two years due to overfishing, a problem that seems to be affecting the whole planet. But there is hope, due to some rather ingenious farming methods which address the problems which have made "farm raised" on the package the skull-and-crossbones equivalent.

Friday, July 11

Colombia is winning its war against terrorism

Not long ago I wrote a column about how congressional Democrats, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, are blocking a mutually beneficial free trade agreement with Colombia, our best friend and strongest ally in Latin America.

Letters to the editor

Financial pressures may lead to health care crisis

An Olympics of doubt: Does Beijing 2008 remind us too much of Berlin 1936?

While the athletes compete for gold, silver and bronze, we're going to be all too aware that not only nations, but nationalisms, are flying their banners over the Olympics this summer.

The death of objective journalism

I've come to respect what Fox News Channel has done for journalism in this country.

Past Pages

by Trent Dolan

Thursday, July 10

Will the real Benjamin Green please ... sit down

Louise Inman, the intrepid amateur history sleuth who solved one of Carson City's most confounding historical puzzles, was surprised when I told her Monday about the latest development.

Heller's 'gaffe' is the strong medicine GOP needs

Longtime liberal columnist Michael Kinsley famously defined a "gaffe" in politics as "when a politician tells the truth." If you accept that definition, and I do, then Nevada Republican Rep. Dean Heller committed a gaffe of canyon-sized proportions this week.

Wednesday, July 9

Sales tax to fund more police welcomed by Clark County residents

Longtime liberal columnist Michael Kinsley famously defined a "gaffe" in politics as "when a politician tells the truth." If you accept that definition, and I do, then Nevada Republican Rep. Dean Heller committed a gaffe of canyon-sized proportions this week.

Guest editorial: Good workers being lost because of insurance bill

On Thursday, Douglas County lost one of its brightest lights to Senate Bill 544, which cuts nonstate public employees off the state's health insurance.

Tuesday, July 8

Monday, July 7

There's no perfect solution for Carson River Canyon access

Years from now, when the V&T Railroad snakes its way through the Carson River Canyon, passengers will look out the windows at some of the best scenery Northern Nevada has to offer.

Letters to the editor

Candidate's pets on the right side of the law

NOBODY ASKED US, BUT ... The original Bozo worked at the Appeal

Milton Glick, president of the University of Nevada, Reno, fears the marching band might have to "go" next year because of the budget cuts. We have a better idea. Why not the whole athletic department? Then they wouldn't need the band, because there'd be nothing to play for, and they'd save beau coup money by not frittering it away on non-essentials, such as football, basketball, baseball, etc. Gee ... we didn't even have to be brain surgeons to see this one coming.

Sunday, July 6

Sheriff's Log

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Saturday, July 5

Friday, July 4

One family's spiral into homelessness

Editor's note: Steve Graham, once a homeowner and a business manager in Carson City, said he wrote the following column to illustrate to others how quickly a life can change, often due to circumstances " medical or financial " beyond a person's control. As of this writing, he said, he's uncertain where he'll be living next week

Letters to the editor

Dog owners should respect school grounds

The real meaning of patriotism

On this sunny Fourth of July weekend, it's appropriate to pause and consider the true meaning of patriotism, a word that is frequently abused and misused during election campaigns. And once again this year the major presidential candidates, Republican John McCain, Democrat Barack Obama and their most fervent supporters are arguing about the "real" definition of patriotism.

Four things President Bush could do to lower oil prices now

While people want to argue whether drilling for oil in protected areas will help ease our long-term energy problems, maybe we should deal with a more immediate question: What can we do about the prices we are paying now?

Sheriff's blotter

Carson City The following people were booked into the Carson City Jail. All suspects are innocent until proved guilty in court:

Fresh berries from the farmers market make delicious, nutritious eating

All I can say is if you missed the Saturday morning 3rd & Curry Street Farmers Market and all the other great activities up and down Curry Street then you missed a good time.

Thursday, July 3

Happy independence from government dependence day

Today is the holiday officially known as Independence Day. Not the Fourth of July. Independence Day. As in the day we Americans declared our independence from an over-bearing, hugely expensive government headed by a guy named "George."

Wednesday, July 2

Lyon County has chance to restore spirit of cooperation to V&T project

Lyon County has seemingly never been sold on the prospects of the V&T Railroad. How else can you explain the county's refusal to pony up any cash for the project that will run through its midst.

Is America blessed?

In the Pledge of Allegiance I memorized "under God" was not included. Under God was not a part of the allegiance until the early 1950s. I would like to think of our nation being answerable to God.

Tuesday, July 1