Letter: An old judgement call

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Regarding Kit Miller's Opinion piece of Oct. 25 on Question 2 on the ballot:

Ms. Miller seems to have a problem recognizing what is morally right from what is morally wrong; recognizing the innate logic of the processes of the natural laws; recognizing the Author of both, Whom she confuses with the "almighty dollar"!

What good would it be if Nevada became the richest state in the Union or even the richest place on earth and all her citizens became zillionaires but when they all died, they all went to hell in a handbasket because they replaced God with the "tourist trade"?

God instituted marriage to raise the act of procreation to something sacred. That is the only reason it even exists! The misuse of the marriage prerogatives is certainly not a moral or sacred thing to do. God refers to it as an abomination in His sight!

So what Ms. Miller is advocating is for all Nevadans to bow down before the golden calf of tourism rather than condemn homosexuality for what it is, a grievous affront to Almighty God, which the late citizens of Sodom and Gomarrah would admit, if they could!


Carson City


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