This is in response to Ms. Samantha Matheny's letter that was in the Nevada Appeal Oct. 10. Ms. Matheny was upset because a Carson City pharmacist "refuses women the right to emergency contraception, which is a preventative form of birth control."
She goes on to explain that "Moral issues harbored by pharmacists should not interfere in the relationship between physicians and patients and their choice of care." I would like to applaud this pharmacist and wish that his or her name (or store name) were mentioned so I could give him my business. It is nice to know that someone still has morals and value that are an inspiration to all.
It would be interesting to know what Ms. Matheny's definition is to "emergency birth control." Isn't it intriguing we are all to have tolerance for those who want pro-choice? Ms. Matheny, where is your tolerance for someone who chooses to believe differently than yourself? And if this is a moral issue, where is the tolerance for someone who may believe that life is sacred from time of conception to a natural death.
Carson City