We in Nevada need to fully understand words like "bigot" which according to Webster means, "hypocrite, or one obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his own church, belief, or opinion," and we certainly don't need Webster to tell us what it means to hate. Hate comes in many forms, in the color of your skin, in your religious beliefs, in the burning of books and slowly but surely hate creeps into the homes.
To the 121,499 individuals who signed the Coalition for the Protection of Marriage petition, are you teaching your children to hate? What are you telling them when they ask you questions about this document? Remember the phrase "Love Thy Neighbor?" - but not if he's different.
Why not a petition for those men and women living together without the benefit of marriage? And what about the children of unwed parents? Shouldn't they be on this list?
Let's see now - who else can we hate - we have the unwed mothers, the senior citizens and those of us who don't go to church.
Thousands and thousands of servicemen and women fought in World War II and many lost their lives in their battle against bigotry and a man called Hitler. Did we learn nothing from this experience?
I know that it must have taken a great deal of hard work and effort to obtain 121,499 signatures. No matter how you try to make excuses for what you are doing, it's hate driving all of you, and I personally am thoroughly ashamed.
Carson City