Northern Nevada Correction Center officers lined up Monday for a blood drive at the prison on Snyder Avenue.
"I donate to hopefully help somebody out and maybe they will help me out someday," said Mike Perez, NNCC correctional assistant.
About 40 appointments were made for officers to roll up their sleeves in the United Blood Services Van in the NNCC parking lot.
Senior Correctional Officer Charles Alexander said supervisors made appointments for the officers to coincide with the end of their shift.
"They make it real convenient for us," he said.
In addition to using the donations for transfusions, United Blood Services has been involved in a research study for about three years. The study evaluates in an attempt to be to detect HIV or Hepatitis C earlier than the current method. Information from the study will be submitted to the Food and Drug Administration.
Donors are reminded through a pamphlet from United Blood Services they cannot get AIDS or any infectious disease from donating blood. Each donor will have their blood pressure, pulse and temperature taken. They will be asked a series of questions about their health and behavior in the privacy of a booth. If they are able to donate, their skin is cleaned with an antiseptic and a new, sterile needle is used to draw the blood.
"Everytime I get the call, I donate," said Perez.
United Blood Services uses the van in Carson City at least two to three times a week.