Flags were flown at half-mast as more than 3,000 people came to the Nevada State Capitol to pray. Multiple faiths were represented during the prayer vigil. Photo by Brian Corley
Beneath flags hanging at half-staff, nearly a thousand people crowded the Capitol grounds in Carson City on Friday to pray for the victims of Tuesday's terrorist attacks while proclaiming their unity as Americans.
"We know that we will go forward from this moment of sorrow," said Carson Mayor Ray Masayko. "We will in fact continue to be the greatest country on the face of this earth."
Masayko joined a group of predominantly religious leaders to address the crowd, which included a large number of state and Carson City workers as well as students from Opportunity High and retirees.
Pat Propster of Carson City Christian Fellowship said he was struck by the words in Genesis 9:14 - representing Friday's date: "I shall bring a cloud over the earth and a rainbow shall be seen in the cloud."
He said the cloud over the U.S. on Tuesday will be followed by a rainbow.
"What was meant to bring a nation to its knees in fear has brought it to its feet," he said drawing applause from the crowd.
Victor Romero of Rock of Salvation Church addressed the crowd in Spanish through an interpreter saying out of the terrorist attacks has come a new unity for the nation and for Carson City.
"This is the first time I see the whole town of Carson united," he said. "There are thousands who have suffered pain and death but millions more who are united."
And Rabbi David Mehlman of Reno said the goal of the terrorists is to drag mankind back to the chaos that reigned before creation. He said they will fail because man was created in God's image and "whoever tries to destroy that acts against the will of the divine creator who created all of us."
Gov. Kenny Guinn's chief of staff Marybel Batjer said Guinn was attending a service at Our Lady of Las Vegas but that he urged them to "as Nevadans, give our hearts and prayers to every freedom loving man and woman across the nation and around the world."
The brief memorial was opened and closed by the sound of bells tolling from the nearby Laxalt Building.