Cathleen Allison photoSarah Buscay and Dan Mooney discuss upcoming plans to spruce up the giant American flag on C Hill.
Carson City's tribute to America will turn a year old Oct. 12 and the C Hill Flag Organization is hoping in this town of 54,000 residents, a mere 52 people will be willing to make the trek up the hill next month to administer some much needed repairs to Old Glory.
"We need volunteers pretty bad," said Dan Mooney, who following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorists attacks, along with Gil Ayarbe came up with the idea to erect the 120-by-67-foot flag just above the "C" on Carson City's C Hill.
The past year has been a tough one on the flag, Mooney said.
Glacier-like sheets of ice that formed during the winter have left the 13 vertical stripes curled at the edges. A year's worth of desert sand blowing across the union and stripes turned the bright reds, whites, and blue into a duller version of themselves.
"We have to put 13 120-foot strips along the top of each banner which means almost dismantling the whole flag, taking it almost entirely apart, " Mooney said. "The weeds are coming up through the cracks -- great big weeds -- those need to be cut down. Then we are going to hand wash it, because of the grime its gotten over the year."
Four groups of 13 people are needed to accomplish the task in a few hours.
The biggest hurdle thus far is getting the volunteers, he said.
"It's really hard to get people to do this. It's like pulling teeth to get anyone up there," he said, explaining over the past year they have had a faithful 25 or so people who can always be counted on to help including Boy Scout Troop 44 and the help from the Nevada Division of Forestry. "But they're tired," he said. "I've been just busting my rear end trying to find people to do this."
The group plans to make the repairs Saturday Oct. 5.
Lunch and drinks will be provided to volunteers.
What: Volunteers needed for C Hill Flag repairs
When: Saturday Oct. 5 at 8:30 a.m.
Call: Dan Mooney at 882-5705 or e-mail him at