Lorie Hebler sits in the car she uses to run errands for her business Unfrazzle Yourself. She is the owner of the errands and personal concierge service. Rick GUnn Nevada Appeal
Name: Lorie Hebler
Job: Owner of Unfrazzle Yourself, a personal concierge service.
What I actually do: A personal concierge is someone who takes care of the mundane details that take away form a person's family and life. The service assists you with personal and professional errands.
Family: I have extended family here, uncles and aunts. I've lived in Carson City for 10 years. No children, but I have a dog, a golden retriever named Bodger.
Where I grew up: Southern California, Orange County.
My first job: I made doughnuts at Dandy Donuts in San Clemente, Calif.
How I got it: I went in and begged for it. I was 16 years old, and they let me work part time.
Favorite past times: Camping, kayaking and my two classes a week at Body by Pilates.
Best advice I ever got: Do what your heart tells you.
What would I do with $1 million? I would buy myself a home and then I would give some of it to charity.
My inspiration: My inspiration is my stepmother, who was one of the first female business people that I knew. There was not a whole lot of working moms at the time. She had her own business by the age of 20, and ending up being the president of the chamber of commerce.