Residential property taxes capped at 3%, commercial 8%
Carson City: $517,045
Lyon: $128,725
Douglas: $1,803,816
Elimination of franchise fees
Carson City: $3.7 million
Lyon: $1.1 million
Douglas: $375,000
Deducting DMV Credit card costs from local share of Governmental Services Tax
DMV estimates $11 million this biennium
Up to $27 million by the end of 2007
Deduct sales tax on trade-in autos
Carson City: $500,000
Other local fiscal notes were unavailable.
Justice and municipal court jury trials
Nevada Association of Counties says fiscal impact unknown but would be "millions" in ongoing operation costs plus capital costs to expand courtrooms.
Prop tax revenue caps
Doesn't reduce existing revenues. Caps growth in future revenues at inflation plus growth in population.
Estimated inflation 2005: 2.6%
Growth varies by county from negative in several counties to more than 6% in Clark.