Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal Carson High School National Honor Society members Lianne Aglietti, 17, and Loren Wooldridge, 18, pack up the hundreds of toys collected by the N.H.S. for the Toys for Tots program.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are not the typical purchase of a 17-year-old high school girl, but when Kristin Neddenriep bought three action figures recently, it was simply because she likes them.
But the turtles aren't for her.
Kristin, public relations coordinator for the National Honor Society at Carson High School, took the unwrapped gifts straight away to teacher Angila Golik's class where they became part of the ongoing Toys for Tots collection.
"It's exciting to see what (Toys for Tots) will do for people less-fortunate," Kristin said.
Golik, a history teacher and the National Honor Society club adviser, has stacked the toys against a classroom wall, narrowing the path to her desk.
With help from Toys for Tots area organizers David and Pat Wyble, a total of 459 toys - filling some 25 large garbage bags - were put in a truck Monday.
"This is great," said David. "They have increased the toys over the years they've been donating. They always try to increase their numbers. It's great to have youngsters like this so involved in the toys."
Last year, about 500 area families benefited from Toys for Tots donations. Some 1,500 children received gifts.
"What's given in Carson City, stays in Carson City," said Pat Wyble.
This year approximately 800 families are in need and some 2,400 children will receive gifts.
"The population has exploded in the area," said David Wyble. "A lot of families are moving in and with the way the economy is and the gas prices going up, it can be very hard."
The toys will be distributed Dec. 18 from a main warehouse. Adults have already called a hotline number, and were screened for approval. The children do not come in with them to pick up gifts, but Pat Wyble said she can still imagine their joy.
"We know there's a smile on the faces in the morning," she said. "We try to fulfill their wish lists. It doesn't always happen, but we get it as close as possible."
This year's age group still most in need of gifts is 9 to 14. Many places continue to accept unwrapped gifts (see sidebar). Vital Signs, at 1400 S. Carson St., through the work of CHS senior Candace Mondragon, is focusing on toys for 14- to 18-year-olds.
The National Honor Society's goal was to bring in three toys per each of its 138 students. Last year, they each brought in one.
"It's been really cool," said National Honor Society Vice President Lianne Aglietti, 17. "It's been neat just lining the toys up against the wall and seeing it fill up."
n Contact reporter Maggie O'Neill at or 881-1219.
Toy drop-off sites
The following merchants are drop-off points for the Toys for Tots program:
• Carson City Toyota, 3659 S. Carson St.
• Carson City Mazda/Hyundai, 3550 S. Carson St.
• Applebee's, 3300 S. Carson St.
• Casino Fandango, 3800 S. Carson St.
• Wal-Mart, Topsy Lane off Highway 395
• The UPS Store, 963 Topsy Lane, Suite 306
• KPTL/My Country 99.1, 1960 Idaho St.
• Lowe's, 444 Fairview Drive
• Nevada State Railroad Museum, 2180 S. Carson St.
• Q's, 230 Fairview Drive
• First American Title, 1213 S. Carson St.
• Dickson Realty, 701 S. Carson St.
• The Timbers, 124 E. Eighth St.
• The Family Insurance Store, 1221 S. Carson St. (Carson Mall)
• Les Schwab Tire Center, 3020 S. Carson St.
• Grocery Outlet, 1831 N. Carson St.
• Custom Office Supply, 2814 N. Carson St.
• Carson City Library, 900 N. Roop St.
• Wal-Mart, 3200 Market St.
• SlotWorld, 3879 Highway 50 E.
• The UPS Store, 1894 Highway 50 E.
• American Family Insurance, 1621 Highway 50 E., Suite E
• Carson Masonry and Steel Supply, 4783 Highway 50 E.