North Lake Tahoe Protection District Battalion Chief Greg McKay was named to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency's Pathway 2007 Forum, making him the sixth Incline Village member.
Pathway 2007 is a collaborative planning effort to create 20-year resource and land management plans for the Tahoe Basin.
McKay was chosen to represent national motorized recreation.
A firefighter with NLTFPD since 1980 and a former Incline Village General Improvement District trustee, McKay said his involvement in snowmobiling contributed to why he was chosen.
"I volunteer with the California Snowmobiling Association, which has a connection to about 50 other recreational vehicle groups across the country," McKay said. "Having the connection that vast was part of the reason I'm on the forum. I guess."
He said his job will entail reaching agreement on plans or direction that he might present for consideration by the four agencies involved in Pathway 2007: the U.S. Forest Service, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection and the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board.
"These policies or plans will include motorized recreation interests, including motor homes, off-road vehicles and boats," McKay said. "And of course, snowmobiles."
McKay, and his wife Donna, have sons Stephen, 17, and Robert, 15. He has served with numerous local service clubs since coming to Incline in 1975.
McKay said that he's glad to be serving: "It's a worthy objective. I just hope we can achieve it."
Other forum members from Incline include IVGID General Manager Bill Horn, representing Nevada general improvement districts; Bruce McNulty, selected for an at-large seat; Barbara Perlman-Whyman, representing regional recreation interests; Elise Fett, speaking for primary property owners; and Margaret Rebane, representing K-12 education.