• Don't charge anything to a credit card that you can't pay off the next month. Don't carry a balance. Debit it.
• Stop using credit cards. Seek the advice of a professional credit counselor.
• Anytime you can afford to pay $5 over minimum, do it. Always pay more than the minimum.
• Pay on time, overwise you'll get hit by a late fee. Credit card companies will charge $25 to $39 in a late fee for one late payment.
• Make sure your credit card company does not charge you, or does not put anything on your card for insurance. It's pure profit for the company.
• Ask your local bank or credit union for a secured credit card. You would put up an amount, such as $500, and that would back your credit limit.
Source: Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Northern Nevada, visit it at http://www.fcsnv.org/ or call 322-6557.