Shaurav Garg walks down the middle of Senator Square to receive another scholarship during the Salute to Scholars banquet on Thursday night. Garg won the prestigious Cooper Union Advancement of Science and Art scholarship worth $100,000.
The following students were awarded scholarships during Thursday night's "Salute to Scholars" in Senator Square at Carson High School:
Timothy Abrue: Sons & Daughters of Erin, National Restaurant Association; John Akerly: Capital/AYSO Soccer Club, OCEA, CC Natives & Newcomers, Robert Z. Hawkins, Larry Holloway Memorial, Cal-Poly Outreach, Northern Arizona U. Music, NAU Pres., UNR Academic; Cody Albee: UNR General; Devon Anderson: U. of New Hampshire Dean, UNR General, Bates College, Colby College Presidential; Shannon Arnold: NV Classified School Employees Association; Ben Atkins: CHS Automotive; Ernesto Ayala: Capital/AYSO Soccer Club, College Bound Minority Student
Kyle Bacon: NV Classified School Employees Association, CHS Football Boosters Scholarship; Amanda Beer: National Restaurant, Prostart Scholarship, J&W Gingerbread House, Career Exploration, National Recipe Contest, Skills USA, J&W Academic, Nevada Teen Chef, Adele's Scholarship; Christine Borges: Woodrow Loftin, CC Republican Women's Club; Jaime Bourns: Gonzaga U. Dussault, Williamette U. Merit Based, U of Portland Arthur Schulte, U of Oregon Dean's, UNR Merit Based; Nicholas Brothers: Woodrow Loftin; Edwin Bruno: Nevada Legacy Corps, CC Firefighters Assoc.; David Cadwallader: CHS football; Richard Campbell: Lottie Scott Memorial, John & Grace Nauman; Patricia Capistrant: Woodrow Loftin Scholarship, ASU Sun Devil Scholarship; Kaitlin Champie: Northern Arizona Presidential; Alexandra Coats: Nevada Legacy Corps; Zachariah Copoulos: AMEPA Chap. 281, AMEPA District 21, CU Boulder Scholarship, Cal-Poly Scholarship, UNR Scholarship, NAWIC, Rose-Hulman Inst. of Tech.; Sarah Csiga: Albert & Frances Seeliger, Larry Holloway Memorial
Daniel Davis: J&W Gingerbread House, J&W National Recipe, J&W Career Explorations, Prostart, J&W Academic; Katey Davis: Capital/AYSO Soccer Club; Andrew Deacy: EOU Scholar Award; Milan DelVecchio: U. of Cincinnati; Cody Drews: Carson Valley Quilt, National Restaurant Association, Prostart Scholarship, Johnson & Wales Gingerbread House, Career Exploration, Johnson & Wales Academic, National Recipe Contest, Skills USA; Shawna Ellis: National Restaurant Association, Johnson & Wales Gingerbread House, National Recipe Contest, UNLV Scholarship, Woodrow Loftin, Ronald McDonald; Colleen Etcheverria: Woodrow Loftin, John & Grace Nauman;
Matthew Fiske: UNR General; Amanda Fleming: D'Ascoli Health Services, UNR General, Savitt Family, Nevada Bell, AAUW, John Ascuagas Nugget, Azusa Pacific Presidential, Clergy Child's, Best Buy, Larry Holloway Memorial, Kiwanis/Marilyn Elaine; Jimmy Fonda: CHS Football Boosters; Shaurav Garg: UNR Presidential Scholarship, Bucknell Presidential Fellows, Kettering Merit, Cooper Union Advancement of Science & Art, Merry & Jason Bayer, Robert C Byrd, Tahoe Fracture; Ashely Gonzales: Career Explorations, National Restaurant; Bryce Grimm: UNR Engineering, UNR; Jeremy Grunert: National Honor Society, OCEA, Robert C Byrd, Carleton College, Grinell College Honor, Whitman College, UNR Presidential, U. Puget Sound;
Laura Hale: Capital/AYSO Soccer Club, South Lake Tahoe Optimists; Nicholas Haney: UNR Genera, Woodrow Loftin; Kerri Hickenbottom: Violet Richardson Award, Capital/AYSO Soccer Club, Masonic Lodge #47, Boston U. Deans, Kiwanis/Marilyn Elaine; Doug Holderman: Woodrow Loftin Scholarship; Danielle Hollenbeck-Pringle: Discover Card Tribute Award, Elks MVP Award, Robert Z. Hawkins, CC Elks Lodge Scholarship; Jon Holloway: UNR Academic, UNR Berringer Music; Jessica Holton: Edith Milo/Retired Teachers; Don Hughes: Marine Corps League, Career Exploration; Emily Johnson: UNR Academic, J&W Presidential, J&W National Recipe Contest, J&W Gingerbread Contest, J&W Career Exploration, National Merit, ASU National Merit, Albert & Frances Seeliger, Robert C Byrd, Whitman William O'Douglas, Whitman President's, U. of Oregon Dean, UNR Presidential; Daniel Jolly: TR Garrett Memorial; Kelsey Joyce: Woodrow Loftin; Iliana Juarez: UNR General, Mark S. Miller Memorial;
Lindsey Kern: Nova Southeastern U. Academic, Nova Southeastern U. Leadership; Cassandra Laberee: Nevada Legacy Corps, Marine Corps League Auxiliary; Peter Lassaline: Albert & Frances Seeliger, Woodrow Loftin, UNR General; Ben Leatham: Robert Z. Hawkins, Larry Holloway Memorial; Tyler Lewis: Woodrow Loftin; Laura Licari: UNR General; Charlie Macquarie: Lewis & Clark Dean; Erica McAfee: U. of Oregon Dean; Donald McMurtrey: Woodrow Loftin; Andrew Meyer: Masonic Grand Lodge of New York, UNR General; Amy Milholland: UNR; Josh Morinaga: J&W Gingerbread House; Shelby Moulden: Project 21;
Melanie Norvell: Woodrow Loftin, Dr. Gedney Science Award; Laura O'Neill: N. Arizona U. Pres., UNR General; Emily Ortiz: Mom & Pops, Woodrow Loftin, GNCU, Kiwanis/Marilyn Elaine; Wes Osmer: Kyle Bacon; Thomas Padilla: National Restaurant Association, Prostart Scholarship; Johnson & Wales Gingerbread House, Career Exploration Scholarship, Builders Association of Western Nevada; Elizabeth Rankl: ASU Sun Devil, Santa Clara U. Engineering Dean, Gonzaga U. Regent; Kevin Reeder: Elks Most Valuable Student, UNR General, National Honor Society, Sierra NV Asso. of Realtors, CC Host Lions Club, Woodrow Loftin, Carson Tahoe Hospital, CC Elks Lodge, Kiwanis/Marilyn Elaine; Randal Rees: Mom & Pops, Woodrow Loftin, UNR General; Robert Reynolds: Beta Sigma Phi XI Chapter; Tara Rispin: Lindenwood University Talent; Julia Roberts: International Academy of Style, Woodrow Loftin; Kathryn Rogers: Capital/AYSO Soccer Club, UNR Presidential, Chapman U. Pres., USD Trustees, USD Scholarship, NYU Steinhardt;
Claudia Saavedra: Woodrow Loftin, Mom & Pops; Jeremiah Schenzel: Whitehead/Wadsworth Memorial, Adele's Recipe Contest, Johnson & Wales Career Expl., J & W Career & Tech., J&W Gingerbread House, J&W Outstanding Student Leader, J&W Academic, National Rest. Asso., Culinary Arts; Joel Scrivner: Larry Holloway Memorial; Michael Shaw: Woodrow Loftin; Haley Simpson: UNR, Woodrow Loftin; Kevin Sinnott: Woodrow Loftin, Carson City 4-H; Richard Sorenson: UNR High Sierra Band, UNR Barringer Music, UNR, Vietnam Veterans of Am. Chapter 388, Woodrow Loftin, Larry Holloway Memorial; Sarah Stalling: Ronald McDonald; Courtney Steed: Richard Thoreson; Sarah Stewart: CC Boosters Club Football; Kelsey Sweet: UNR General, SBC Nevada Bell; Ashley Terry: Project 21 Scholarship, Woodrow Loftin; Chris Thorson: Capital/AYSO Soccer, Woodrow Loftin, Carson Masonic Lodge #1; Tiffany Trotter: Nevada Legacy Corps; Ryan Turner: Woodrow Loftin;
Brianna Valley: Edith Milo/CC Retired Teach. Asso., OCEA, Woodrow Loftin, UNR Pack Pride, Barringere Music, Faralee Spell Mem.; Suzy Vanegas: Nevada Legacy Corps, UNR Academic, U. of Oklahoma; Michelle VanEpps: Kerri Oxoby Memorial, UNR General Academic; Stephen Waicul: Dixon St. U. Rough Rider Track & Field Award; Kathleen Wandel: UNR; Kerri Oxoby Memorial; Kelli Weyrick: ASU Sun Devil; Amber Whitworth: Nevada Bell, UNR Academic; Breanna Wilson: UNR General, Woodrow Loftin; Robbie Wimer: Woodrow Loftin; Kyle Winter: Eagle Valley Golf Course; Daniel Works: NV Jr. Livestock Show Board, Carson City 4-H; Michael Xavier: Woodrow Loftin.