The Mason Valley Chapter of Ducks Unlimited (DU) will hold its annual fund raising banquet on Sunday, Sept. 10.
That popular event will be held at the Mason Valley Trap Club, which is located on the Pete Hendrichs Road just out of Yerington.
The cost to attend is $40 for a single, which includes a one-year membership in Ducks Unlimited, or $50 for a couple, with the same one-year membership.
Youngsters can attend the event with their folks for a cost of $10 each.
The event will start at 1:00 P.M. with a variety of shooting events intended to provide fun and shooting opportunity for shooters of all ages and skill levels.
Some events will be highly competitive with prizes available for the winners while other events will be held for novices, youngsters or those folks who have wanted to try their hand at shotgunning but never had the opportunity to do so.
Experienced shooters will be on hand to offer advice and assistance to those who are new to the sport.
At 4:00 P.M., a tri-tip dinner with all the trimmings will be served courtesy of the Yerington Lions Club.
After dinner, raffles and auctions will be held, followed up by the traditional youth duck calling contest.
All members of the family are encouraged to attend and many prizes have been selected to meet the needs of everyone in the household.
Ducks Unlimited (DU) is an international, non-profit sportsmen's organization whose primary mission is to maintain and enhance wetlands throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico.
DU is currently involved in overseeing the design and construction of $2.3 million worth of water conservation projects that will soon be underway at the Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area north of town.
Tickets for the fund raiser can be purchased from any DU committee member or at the Country Insurance Office at 107 North Main St. in Yerington or by calling Elmer Bull at (775) 463-4695 (evenings).