BRAD HORN/Nevada Appeal Dan Turner, owner of Bicycle Authority in Carson CIty, rides a Highwheeler bicycle at his shop on Thursday.
Dan Turner, Owner
1501 N. Carson St. No. 2
What I do: I do sales and service of all kinds of bicycles.
Family: My mother and sister live in the area.
My most memorable business experience: The day I opened up the store on 3759 S. Carson St. in 1997. I moved here on Feb. 5. I felt that downtown was a good place to be and I really like this building.
Reason for opening the business: My love of bicycles. I have a different kind of bike shop. I cater to non-mainstream cycling people, such as BMX, mountain bikes and cruiser bikes.
The first dollar I ever made: Mowing lawns.
My inspiration: My mom. She's always the one who has been there.
Bikes I own: I have a little bit of everything. I have quite a few from BMX to regular fat-tire cruisers to mountain bikes.