Office sought: Central Lyon County Fire Protection District 5
Age: 61
Number of years in office: 12
Occupation: Medical office manager
Address: 5265 Abilene Drive, Stagecoach, NV 89429
Phone number: (775) 629-0336
Family: Husband, Charles; three children; 10 grandchildren
Education: Some college
Previous experience: Has spent 13 years as a volunteer firefighter and EMT II in Stagecoach; is a medical assistant
Religious or civic organizations you belong to: Episcopal church, Kiwanis
Reason for running: "We have several programs started that I want to see finished. I like working with the fire personnel, and I like to see new programs started. We have a cadet program, and I like to see the young people come in. I want to continue improving service to the district and the people that we serve."