Office sought: Silver Springs GID Trustee
Age: 63
Number of years in office: None
Occupation: Owner, Custom Gardens Farm, certified organic farm
Address: 3701 Elm St., Silver Springs, NV 89429
Phone number: (775) 577-2069
Family: Wife, Virginia; eight children; 16 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren
Education: Bachelor's degree in history and accounting from Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colo.
Previous experience: Certified organic farmer, 15 years; Lyon County Planning Commission; served on the task force to form the Silver Springs GID; hired by Lyon County to coordinate and build the GID and get it up and running and certify the wastewater operator.
Religious or civic organizations you belong to: Lyon County Liar's Club organizer - event raised funds for the Lyon County Spay and Neuter Project
Reason for running: "I would like to help the GID get reorganized to where they are on a sound financial ground and be able to expand and to bring the water company and the GID together. And I believe I can do that."