Office sought: South Lyon County Hospital District Trustee
Age: 65
Number of years in office: 1 month
Occupation: Co-owner, Jurey Bookbinding Services
Address: 10 Sharon Drive, Wellington, NV 89444
Phone number: (775) 465-2147
Family: Husband, Clyde; five children; 10 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren
Education: High school, some college
Previous experience: On the hospital's governing board since 1998; in bookbinding business for 40 years.
Religious or civic organizations you belong to: Beta Sigma Phi; Methodist church
Reason for running: "I'm really interested in the hospital, and I realize we really needed a representative from Smith Valley to be on the money board. I have a great affection for the hospital, and I know how good they are. I would hate to see us lose the hospital. There's always a chance; we're not a very big community."