Office sought: Supreme Court Seat G
Number of years in office: 8
Occupation: Supreme Court Justice
Address: P.O. Box 80332, Las Vegas
Phone number: (702) 253-7064
Family: None listed
Education: Juris doctorate
Previous experience: Two years municipal judge, 10 years district court judge
Religious or civic organizations you belong to: Founder and president (10 years) of the Clark County Pro Bono Project to assist economically disadvantaged individuals in gaining access the justice system. National Top Ten Women of the Year from the American Businesswomen's Association and the Liberty Bell Award from the American Bar Association.
Reason for running: She said she wants to continue her work on victim's rights and streamlining the state's court system and has helped reduce the number of backlogged cases at the Supreme Court.
"We take the people's right to a speedy trial very seriously and have taken steps to make sure we are efficient as possible," Becker said. "In the process, however, we've never forgotten the rights of victims and the importance of making sure the system looks out for them."