Office sought: Supreme Court Seat F
Number of years in office: None
Occupation: Justice, Nevada Supreme court since 2004
Address: 325 S. Third St., Ste. 1, Box 335, Las Vegas
Phone number: (702) 521-4949
Family: Married, one daughter
Education: Juris Doctor, BS Political Science
Previous experience: former deputy district attorney, former district court judge
Reason for running: I am seeking re-election to continue my public service on your Nevada Supreme Court. The law should work for all of the people by way of the Nevada Constitution and the United States Constitution. As your Justice, my goals for your supreme court are: Upholding the rights of Nevadans under the Nevada constitution; Provide leadership to make the Nevada Court System more responsive to the needs of the people; Promote electronic access to courts and court information; Promote stabilized funding for drug court and mental health courts; Streamline and expedite the handling of appeals in your Nevada Supreme Court.