Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal From left, Alyce Dickson, Gladys Veitch, June McIntyre and Helen Glenn rehearse for the Senior Follies on Wednesday night at the Carson City Senior Citizen Center.
Knowing the importance of the Meals on Wheels program is driving Jan Hunt and Norma Conway to do their absolute best as directors for this year's Senior Follies production.
With the goal of raising $25,000 for the program at the Carson City Senior Citizens Center, Hunt called in a favor from a couple of friends to help her reach that goal. With a little luck and the friends' "star power," it will happen.
Joining the cast of characters for "Another Opening - Another Show," 2006 production of the Senior Follies are Max Baer Jr. and former lieutenant governor Lonnie Hammargren.
Baer is serving as emcee for the three shows, scheduled for June 2-4 at the Carson City Community Center. Hammargren will sing the song, "My Mammy," from "The Jazz Singer."
"This show is about seniors helping seniors stay in their own home and getting one hot meal a day," Hunt said. "I believe in the program."
Though Baer, who played Jethro on the popular 60s television show "Beverly Hillbillies," was a given a script to read for the show, he admits his talent for acting is different than that of an announcer.
"Announcing is different," he said. "It's not like being an actor. There's a talent there.
"But I like to ad-lib to just about anything. Do I dance? Hell no. Sing? Hell no. So it will be fun."
Baer is aware of the Meals on Wheels program. A friend with macular degeneration in Southern California is a recipient of Meals on Wheels there.
Janice McIntosh, director of the center, said about 150 homebound seniors receive Meals on Wheels daily. The cost of each meal, all-inclusive, is about $5 (which includes delivery and other related services).
"We ask (meal recipients) to donate $2 per meal," McIntosh said. "We average 73 cents per meal in donations. And that's OK. They will still get their meal.
"So the minimum we have to raise is $1.27 for each meal."
Fundraising is a way of life for the center and one of the main fundraisers is the Senior Follies show. Show times are 7 p.m. June 2-3, with a 2 p.m. matinee June 4. Raffle tickets for dozens of prizes are available at the center's finance office. Grand prize is two tickets to anywhere Southwest Air flies.
For information, call 883-0703.
Contact Rhonda Costa-Landers at or 881-1223.
If you go
WHAT: "Another Opening - Another Show" Senior Follies
WHEN: 7 p.m. June 2-3; 2 p.m. June 4
WHERE: Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.
COST: $20 general admission; $10 seniors and children
RAFFLE: Tickets $1 each or six for $5
CALL: 883-0703