Kitty Lynn dances to "Happy Days are Here Again," during a rehearsal Tuesday for "Another Opening - Another Show" 2006 Senior Follies at the Carson City Community Center. The show runs Friday through Sunday. Cathleen Allison/ Nevada Appeal
"Happy Days are Here Again" will resound from the Bob Boldrick Theater stage at the Carson City Community Center as the cast of "Another Opening - Another Show" 2006 Senior Follies opens at 7 p.m. Friday.
Under the direction of Jan Hunt and Norma Conway, the show salutes members of the U.S. military, past and present. The annual production is a fundraiser for Meals on Wheels. Hunt and Conway have a goal to raise $25,000 for Meals on Wheels.
Songs from the 1920s to the present will be performed, mixed with dance, comedy and tales. The show will be emceed by Max Baer Jr., who played Jethro on the popular '60s television show "The Beverly Hillbillies."
Former Lt. Gov. Lonnie Hammargren will perform "My Mammy" from "The Jazz Singer."
Frank Taylor has been in most of the Senior Follies shows. He saw a public service announcement in the Nevada Appeal several years ago asking for singers, dancers and comedians to perform. What caught his eye is that it was a benefit for Meals on Wheels.
"That's why most of the cast is here," Taylor said during Tuesday's rehearsal. "It's a great program, and we're having fun while helping."
Taylor will be in an Edgar Bergen/Charlie McCarthy comedy bit, in which he plays a ventriloquist.
"You figure out who's the dummy," he said.
Meals on Wheels serves about 150 homebound seniors a day. The cost of each meal, all-inclusive, is about $5 (which includes delivery and related services).
Recipients are asked to donate $2 per meal. Average reimbursement is 73 cents, leaving the difference to be made up through fundraisers and donations.
"Fundraising has become a way of life for the center, and one of the main fundraisers is the Senior Follies show," said Janice McIntosh, director of the center.
The climax of the show will be singing of each branch of the military's fight song and "God Bless the U.S.A."
Drawings will be held for dozens of donated prizes, including the grand prize of two round-trip tickets to anywhere Southwest Airlines flies.
Shows run Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. A matinee will be at 2 p.m. Sunday. For information, call 883-0703.
• Contact Rhonda Costa-Landers at or 881-1223.
If you go
WHAT: "Another Opening - Another Show" Senior Follies
WHEN: 7 p.m. Friday-Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday
WHERE: Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.
COST: $20 general admission; $10 seniors and children
RAFFLE: Tickets $1 each or six for $5
CALL: 883-0703