Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal Peggy Clark puts some finishing touches on the float for her family's Revelations costume shop on Friday morning at her South Carson City home.
There's a new sheriff in town today and there's nothing anyone can do about it - except laugh.
It is the intentions of Peggy Clark, Monica Coleman and Mona Coleman, co-owners of Revelations, to make those along the parade route laugh and have a good time with entry No. 203.
"The one point to make is the real Inyo engine is clear at the front (of the parade)," Clark said. "Hopefully by the time entry 203 comes through they'll have forgotten what the real one looks like."
Clark said Revelations is creating its own version of the Inyo with a passenger car. She said don't be surprised to see train robbers and the "big bad sheriff."
The entry is being kept a secret, mostly for the surprise element.
"We've got to give people a laugh," Clark said. "People are too serious. Be sure to stick around for the real fun.
"Our entry is a float - it's an engine and a passenger car, of sorts."
Clark said 12-14 people will be acting during the parade route in full period costumes and other weird costumes.
"No live horses will be used," she added.
Another entry sure to entertain and bring history alive is the Comstock Civil War re-enactors.
Quilt Mistress Sunny Spencer said the group of about 200 active members will provide a living history along the parade route.
"We've been together three years and hold events and what-not throughout the year at schools and parades like the Labor Day parade in Virginia City and the Nevada Day Parade," Spencer said. "We probably see 1,200 students by going to schools."
The actors perform mock battles and include a medical unit, which does mock medical treatments including surgeries and amputations.
"It provides a real flavor of what it was like during the war," Spencer added. "On more than one occasion the doctor lops off a leg or an arm. We've even had kids faint on the spot.
"It's done very realistically. It's fun and educational."
The procession includes cannons - reproductions from the Civil War era of 1861-65, a large civilian corps, a Christian connection, medical people and a camp cook. There will be no mounted soldiers in the parade. The civilian corps dresses in gowns or day wear, depending on their social status, and members range in age from 2 years old to 80-something.
"We're very family oriented," Spencer said. "All activities are family involved. It's not just guys in their uniforms grabbing their muskets."
Spencer said membership into the Comstock Civil War re-enactors is open to the public. Members will be at the Roberts House at 1207 N. Carson St. prior to the parade and near the Plaza Hotel on South Carson Street. The group's Web site if
• Contact Rhonda Costa-Landers at or 881-1223.