A very interesting article on volunteering in Nevada says we as a state do not participate in volunteering compared to other states. They obviously have never been to Carson City, because that statement is further from the truth then anything I have ever heard.
There are numerous projects within our community in which everyone jumps with both feet, from big events like the Taste of Downtown and the Western Nevada Community College Multicultural Festival, to little things that make a difference like Grandma Hattie's collection box for the General Mills Box Tops for Education Program.
So enough of national surveys.
First off, a big thank you to the community. I talked to Carson High School counselor Cindy Watty to check on the status of donations for prom night. Thanks to all of you for dropping off makeup, shoes, jewelry, dresses, nylons, purses, etc. Several young ladies will get to attend and look fabulous thank to those donations.
You can still donate until this Friday to help a student attend. Mrs. Watty said "tons of dresses have been dropped off as well as accessories, and the girls are just thrilled."
Donations for Carson High Prom Night
WHERE: Carson High Counseling office, 1111 N. Saliman Road
WHEN: Before Saturday's prom
CONTACT: 283-1915
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I know each year I make a big point about senior projects at Carson High School. These projects make a huge impact, not just for one year but they take on a life afterwards. Projects range from helping children get clothing and making sure our local teens have toys for Christmas to this latest one I just heard about.
Ruth Gordon, director of Mentor Center of Western Nevada, told me about this positive program two students took on this year.
Two young men with different interests hooked up with WNCC's mentor program. Carson High pitcher Nick Smallman and CHS saxophone section leader Chris Robertson decided to mentor local children.
You have to remember all seniors are very busy, but these two young men have extra-curricular activities on top of the regular stuff. Yet they still find time to be great mentors.
What was so cool about the program is the match up. Nick is a pitcher, his mentee is an 8-year-old named Jordan who loves sports. Chris is mentoring an 11-year-old who had been on the waiting list for a very long time. Ruth said that with the help of outstanding English teacher Sarah Adler and promoting it in her English class she had the great opportunity to get Chris involved.
Nick's mom, Debbie Smallman, was the driving force of helping Nick choose this path. Both have been changed by this experience in ways that will affect them forever. Congratulations to both of you for being so giving and inspirational.
So parents of juniors, or juniors who want to make a difference and help local children, go see Mrs. Adler and sign up for next year.
Mentor Center of Western Nevada
WHERE: Western Nevada Community College or Sarah Adler at Carson High School
WHEN: All year long
CONTACT: Ruth Gordon at 445-3346 or Sarah Adler at 283-1600
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For all those out there wanting to get started on spring planting, head over to the Greenhouse Garden Center on Friday to celebrate Arbor Day.
More than 1,000 seedlings of Douglas fir, black hills spruce and Ponderosa pine will be given away on a first-come, first-serve basis.
You can check out the Greenhouse and congratulate owner David Ruf on 33 years of doing business in Carson City.
Greenhouse Garden Center's Arbor Day celebration
WHERE: 2450 Curry Street
WHEN: 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday
CONTACT: 882-8600
• To have your information included, contact Kim Riggs at kimriggs@att.net.