Owner chases down stolen pickup
A Carson City man and his mechanic chased down his truck Thursday morning after a stranger stole it from outside a Corbett Street repair shop.
"My truck was out in front warming up, and I was inside taking care of business. I looked out the window and darn if my truck hadn't developed a Spanish accent, and it was headed south toward Tijuana," said Jack Vaughan, 66.
Helping turn lives around
The challenge of getting homeless people off the street and into affordable housing is one Dee Dee Foremaster has accepted head on.
Since the opening of the Do Drop In, a day center for the homeless and mentally ill, Foremaster has accomplished just that - 93 times. The center has helped 423 people in 16-months.
The Do Drop In opened its doors in August 2005. It offers information on jobs, housing and benefits and is a place for people who are homeless or have disabilities to watch TV, relax and get out of the bitter-cold or searing heat. It is open 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday through Friday.