Hanifin's Antiques owner Michael Robbins assembles a girl's bike in a back room at his Carson City store on Friday. Robbins and Vera Treat donated 25 box toys and 18 bikes to the Toys for Tots program. BRAD HORN/Nevada Appeal
Toys for Tots was able to help families in the rural communities after all, despite a fire at a church that was storing toys.
Brandy White, a coordinator for the effort, said that although Carson City was not able to provide toys to Storey and Lyon counties, the slack was picked up by Reno and Fallon offices.
Fallon's Toys for Tots assisted Fernley children, and the Reno Toys for Tots provided for children in Storey County.
Joyce Buckingham of the Ron Wood Family Resource Center said her group, which distributes toys to Carson City, has served about 306 families.
"That's still over 50 percent less than last year," she said. "But if someone comes to us for help and they don't live in Carson City, we don't turn them away."
She said a fire at The Connected Church of the Nazarene on Dec. 2, where toys were stored, is part of the cause for the decline.
Residents still needing food can stop by the center on Monday for a Christmas basket, she said.
Jenna Blubaugh of Community Chest said the organization received 13 bicycles and about six boxes of toys to distribute.
In Lyon County, Christy McGill, executive director of Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey counties, said the Dayton toy drive was sufficient to see to the community's needs.
"They (Toys for Tots) would put everything into the Ron Wood center, but then Ron Wood ran out of stuff," she said. "With the fire in Carson, it really set them back. They've been great for us in the past. It's just that this year it was difficult."
She said Lyon County communities each do their own toy drives, and that Dayton's was so successful they served some people from Carson City.
• Contact reporter Karen Woodmansee at kwoodmansee@nevadaappeal.com or 882-2111 ext. 351.