List of homes by street affected by the Angor fire as of a 10:30 a.m. update from El Dorado County Sheriff's Department Officers:
Brush Road
4 houses with major damage
2 houses listed as "OK"
1 house with minor damage
Cayuga Circle
2 houses with major damage
Clear View Drive
3 houses with major damage
1 house with minor damage
7 houses listed as "OK" (including all houses on the east side of the street)
Cliff Road
1 house with major damage
Cone Road
All houses listed with major damage
Coyote Ridge
3 houses listed as "OK"
3 houses with minor damage
18 houses with major damage
Deveron Way
No reports of damage
Dundee Circle
No reports of damage
Eagle Lane
3 houses listed as "OK"
2 houses with minor damage
8 houses listed with major damage
Elks Point Road
1 house with minor damage, all others are listed has having major damage.
Forest Mountain Drive
All houses listed as having major damage
Frontier Road
All houses listed as "OK"
Frontier Court
1 house listed with moderate damage
1 house listed as "OK"
Glenmore Way
All houses listed as "OK"
Granite Mountain Circle
11 houses listed with major damage
2 houses listed with moderate damage
Heather Circle
1 house listed with major damage
Iron Mountain Circle
4 houses with moderate damage
1 house listed as "OK"
4 houses listed with major damage
Lake Tahoe Boulevard
House numbers 877-901 listed as having major damage
Little Mountain Lane
All houses listed as "OK"
Lookout Point Circle
All houses listed as having major damage
Mountain Meadow Drive
All houses listed as "OK"
Mountain Pass Lane
11 houses with major damage
Mountain Trout
1 house with minor damage, all others listed as "OK"
Mt. Diablo Circle
7 houses listed as "OK"
22 houses listed with major damage
Mt. Olympia Circle
6 houses listed as "OK"
1 house with major damage
Mt. Rainier Drive
8 houses listed as "OK"
1 house with minor damage
12 houses with major damage
Mt. Shasta Circle
21 houses listed as "OK"
7 houses with major damage
1 house with minor damage
Mule Deer Circle
13 houses with minor damage
24 houses with major damage
Pyramid Circle
3 houses listed as "o.k.," the rest are listed as having major damage
Sawmill Road
No reports of damage
Seneca Drive
No reports of damage
Shoshone Street
1 house listed with moderate damage
2 houses listed with major damage
Snow Mountain Drive
2 houses listed as "o.k"
8 houses listed as having major damage
Tahoe Mountain Road
No reports of damage
Tartan Way
No reports of damage
Uplands Way
No reports of damage
View Drive
4 houses listed with major damage
1 house listed with minor damage
4 houses listed as "o.k"
Zuni Street
7 houses with major damage
1 house listed as "o.k"
For details, call El Dorado County Sheriff's officials at (530) 541-4660 ext. 336.