Chad Lundquist/Nevada Appeal A paint crew from Intermountain Slurry Seal, Inc., applies pavement striping on South Curry Street on Monday afternoon.
It might be several more weeks until Curry Street reopens as a throughway for drivers, but a portion could be opened as soon as today between Clearview Drive and Casino Fandango.
"There's still some work to be finished," said Andrew Burnham, the city's public works director.
This is why the portion north of the casino to Koontz Drive will remain closed, he said.
The street has been blocked for months from Clearview Drive to Koontz Lane while Casino Fandango adds a Courtyard Marriott and a Galaxy Cinema, and improves Curry.
Fandango's project is expected to be completed by July, he said.
Curry was open this weekend to through traffic but blocked again Monday for striping.
The street might be open at Koontz from time to time, but drivers should not get accustomed to it because the intersection still needs work. Heavy trucks and large equipment might be on the street, too.
He advises drivers trying to travel from one end to the other to continue using South Carson Street.
The Board of Supervisors last week, for example, approved the use of $500,000 in redevelopment funds to improve Curry. Fandango's parent company would receive the money over seven years to improve sections of Curry near Koontz.
The $3.6 million project is within a redevelopment area. Also being used to pay for the project is street improvement and infrastructure money. Fandango is paying about $1.9 million.
Long-term plans call for improvements to Curry north almost to 10th Street. This work is expected to occur over several years, Burnham said.
Design work for the entire span of Curry Street would take six to nine months alone. The entire project is estimated to cost $5 million to $6 million.
Being considered are traffic signals at Sonoma Street and Eagle Station Lane.
A priority will be improvement of the S-shaped portion of Curry north of Koontz. It would be widened and receive curbs, gutters and sidewalks, Burnham added.
• Contact reporter Terri Harber at tharber or 882-2111, ext. 215.