BRAD HORN/Nevada Appeal Dayton Hair Salon owner Pam Brann puts highlights in a clients hair at the salon on Wednesday afternoon. Brann has worked at the salon, the first strip mall in the area for 17 years and has owned it for almost 11.
Company name: Dayton Hair Salon
Address: 140 Douglas Ave., Dayton
Contact information: 246-3134
Name: Pam Brann
Job/position: Owner/operator
What I actually do: Hair, nails, perm and color
Family: Stephen Bramm and children Rebekah, Marc and Sheli
Where I grew up: California for 28 years and Nevada for 19
My first job: Fiddlers Three Restaurant for 15 years
How I got it: I applied; my brothers worked there, also.
Favorite pastimes: Painting, reading and working
Best advice I ever got: Save for retirement early and invest.
What I would do with $1 million: Retire and donate
My inspiration: My husband, family, business and friends, in that order.