The Winnemucca Silver State of Nevada says that Buena Vista John of the Paiute tribe of Indians says that nearly all of the Pietas who attended the Winnemucca fandango are now killing rabbits. They make circles 10 or 12 miles in diameter and drive the rabbits to the center where a wholesale slaughter ensues.
The stage between Hamilton and Pioche was held up by highwaymen last Friday and so far the officers have been unable to catch the guilty parties. The hold-up men were hidden in the brush by the side of the road as the stage came along. The gunmen captured the Wells Fargo treasure from the driver and the stage drove on. A reward of $1,000 has been posted.
A.A. Stafford is one of Carson's businessmen now proves his appreciation of the Carson City Band and his willingness to help in the organization of the same in a substantial manner. This forenoon Mr. Stafford brought into the Appeal office a contribution of $5 as the nucleus of a fund for the band. We feel the public will have the opportunity to volunteer encouragement through financial assistance.
Mr. and Mrs. James Elston, of Sparks, are parents of a boy weighing 8 pounds, 15 ounces, born at Carson-Tahoe Hospital. Mrs. Elston is the former Joann Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Robertson of Carson City are parents of a boy weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces.
The Carson City Optimist Club started its Youth Appreciation Week with a donation of $500 to the Young Volunteers in action and launched a commitment to help the group with its fundraising drive.
It's been 100 years since Carson Valley's only known lynching took place. On Nov. 25, a shooting occurred that started the valley's own lynching 12 days later on Dec. 7. For the past five years the Carson Valley Historical Society has re-enacted in the play "The Curse of the Hanging Tree," where the shooting of Hans Anderson by Adam Uber ends in a lynching by an angry mob outside of Genoa.
Reports indicate Uber being shot by the mob as many as 72 times. Uber cursed those lynching him, resulting in the curse staying with the families of the mob for seven generations.
• Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.