Tommyknockers, ghosts and other legends of the Comstock will be the subject of a presentation by Nevada's Historic Preservation Officer this month.
Ron James will speak at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 23 at the state museum on North Carson Street.
He said with Halloween approaching, he said it's the perfect time for stories about ghosts in Nevada's mines.
One of the superstitions he'll discuss is the Tommyknocker, a Cornish legend about an elf that lives in the mines and followed Cornish immigrants to the western U.S.
Their stories, James said, helped make Nevada mines a hotbed of stories about the supernatural. He is an authority on the Tommyknocker legend, having written the definitive work on Cornish mining beliefs.
Admission to the talk is the regular museum admission fee of $5 for adults, $3 for seniors with children under 18 free.