120 Years Ago
John Robertson, late teacher of the Industrial School at the Home, filed written charge against Superintendent Williams, alleging undue severity to the children under his charge and that his views were antagonistic to the welfare of the institution.
100 Years Ago
Rich Strike in Yerington District-One of the greatest strikes ever made on the already famous Ludwig, of the Nevada-Douglas company, was recorded this week in the shape of the uncovering of a magnificent body of sulphurets of cooper at the 550-foot level. Lyon County Times
70 Years Ago
Warden William L. Lewis predicted that the manufacture of Nevada motor vehicle license plates for the 1938 would on a production basis at the Nevada State Prison following preliminary runs for the purpose of giving a new machine a trial and making necessary adjustments.
50 Years Ago
A "Bonus Baby" test shot dangling from a balloon 500 feet over Yucca Flat, was triggered by the Atomic Energy Commission. The detonation, code named "Wheeler" and the 17th full-scale nuclear experiment of the 1957 test series, banged sharply from its platform beneath the 67-foot diameter aerial carrier, sending rumbles off the ozonosphere to echo in the valleys and craggy mountain of the western desert.
20 Years Ago
Scouts presented badges in Boy Scout Troop No. 16: Brian Breckenridge, life rank; Paul Cavin: life rank, Tony Cardinalli, reptile study; Joe Chambers, tenderfoot rank; Andy Clancy, order of arrow; Chris Crookshanks, life rank; Chad Spradlin, oceanography...
10 Years Ago
New details emerge regarding Princess Diana's fatal ride. Her driver was legally drunk pushing the Mercedes over 100 miles per hour while weaving through traffic. The crash killed Princess Diana and millionaire boyfriend Dedi Fayed and the driver.