There is a family living in Carson Valley that needs looking after by Douglas County authorities. The hired man of the family reports that the children, six in all, are made to sleep on the floor with only a heap of rags thrown over them and a 6-month-old baby so encrusted in filth as to be unrecognizable, not washed since it was born. The ranchers are reported as dirtier than the pigs they raise.
Yesterday the power was turned on at the Dangberg flour mill at Minden and from now on will have a steady output. The mill is situated in the center of the great grain producing section and farmers there are supplying material for the mill.
Substantial gains are reported over the last two years in Catholic population, according to a report issued today by the Rev. John J. Ryan. The recent census is in preparation for the vast 12-point educational, religious and charity project launched by Bishop Thomas K. Gorman. According to the report, Catholics now number 12,550. Conversions last year number 80. Ryan estimates the number in school attendance at 1,800. Any one of San Francisco's parishes has more members than the entire state of Nevada.
A 35-year-old Dayton, Ohio, man was shot yesterday by Carson police when he tried to escape after being picked up for investigation of a check. Gerson Shulman was wounded in the left arm by a ricocheting bullet fired by officer Willis Johnson as a warning as Shulman darted between the courthouse and firehouse.
Douglas County's Public Works Department, beset this year with key resignations and other woes will get a face lift that commissioners will hope will improve its image. The commission agreed to hire a deputy director to help manage all of the departments' divisions.
At the Capital Assembly of God Church in Carson City, men joined hands Saturday afternoon and prayed as part of the Promise Keepers "Stand in the Gap" rally in Washington, D.C. The men joined in the prayer service while watching a large projection television screen via satellite television.
• Trent Dolan is the of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.