"Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life." - Omar Khayyam
When is the last time you took time for no one else but yourself? I know it sounds a little selfish, but not if you are creating a well life. If it's been a few days or weeks or (shoot) years, it's time. I encourage everyone to pull out your planners, day books, or call your personal assistant (Wow, it'd be cool to have one of those.) and set aside at least an hour next week for yourself.
Life gets busy, and we get caught up in the "doing" part of life, verses the "being" part. I have been swirled up in many things this past month, but instead of getting stressed about what life is presenting me, I have chosen to "just be" and "take it all in". I would love if all of us to just "be" for one short hour next week. (Of course it can't be done this week, because the week's almost over and our calendars are full. Ha.) And you can't tell me that you are completely booked for next week, because when people say they are too busy, I ask them to take another look at what they are doing. Fact of the matter is that there are 24 hours in a day. You should be sleeping for 8 of those, so I'll give you that. But what are you actually "doing" during the remaining 16 hours? Working 8 of those? Then what are you doing with the last 8 hours?
Once you set your time for yourself, what will you do, where will you go? For all you folks out there who love to plan every moment, I ask you to just sit. "Sit?!?!" you ask. Yes, sit. Find a quiet and soothing place where you will truly know you will be in the moment with no one but yourself.
Last Saturday, I took a walk. Next thing I knew I was sitting on a bench on the corner of Robinson and Division. Sure, the sounds of cars passing broke up the whirling sound of the wind and birds' songs, but wow, I cannot tell you how wonderful it felt to just sit and think for an hour in Mother Nature's beauty.
When you are being present you have a free mind and only thinking about what is happening right at that moment. You will feel focused and calm. Time slows down and you can feel a true connectedness with the eternal force of the universe. Sounds lovely, doesn't it?
There are also many benefits of being present.
1. You have improved listening and memory skills.
2. You are more patient, so you have a stronger persistence and ability to learn.
3. You are wiser and can make clearer decisions.
4. You will feel less stressed.
5. You will have a more playful outlook.
6. You will gain confidence and conviction in leading others.
So, go ahead, take that small hour for yourself. It feels ohhhh so good!
• Laura Brownlee is a Carson City resident and works with the National Wellness Institute. She can be reached at editor@nevadaappeal.com.