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BIggest Little City focus of presentation

The Nevada State Railroad Museum, 2180 S. Carson St., hosts Reno author Alicia Barber at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 10. Barber will discuss and sign her book, "Reno's Big Gamble: Image and Reputation in the Biggest Little City." Museum admission applies. Visit www.Nevada or call 687-6953.

Retired Teachers group to meet

The Carson City Retired Teachers will meet 11:30 a.m., Friday, Dec. 12 at Q's Family Restaurant, 230 Fairview Drive. Barbara Jepson will share and tale and the Silver Strings Quartet will entertain. For information, call 246-5065.

Hepatitis C and Liver Support Group meets

The Carson City Hepatitis C and Liver Support Group meets 6-8 p.m. today at Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center, Aspen Auditorium. Call 883-5415, 721-5151 or 721-1468.

See 'The Toys Take Over Christmas'

Local children with the Gold Hill Theater Troupe will perform "The Toys Take Over Christmas," 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 10 and 17 at the Gold Hill Hotel, 1540 Main St., Gold Hill. Adult dinner special with play is $13; children up to grade 8 dinner with play is $8; adults for play only $10; children up to grade 8 with parent are free. For reservations, call 847-0111.

Airstream Owners Club to meet

The Sierra Nevada Unit of the WBCCI Airstream Owners Club will host a member luncheon 11:30 a.m., Saturday, Dec. 13 at JT's Basque Restaurant, 1426 U.S. Highway 395 N., Gardnerville. Guests of members as well as all current and potential Airstream owners welcome. Visit http://sierranevadaairstreams

.org/snu/index.html or email or call 972-5011.