Business briefcase | Serving Carson City for over 150 years

Business briefcase

Photo submitted to the Nevada Appeal

Photo submitted to the Nevada Appeal

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The Changing Point

P.O. Box 414, Carson City


Name: Ian Hill

Position: President of The Changing Point. He encourages organizations and businesses as a speaker and consultant to make positive changes.

Problems he sees businesses facing during the slow economy: They have had to cut back on employees but don't have the money to give the employees they do have more training, he said. Everyone is facing a challenge now, he said, but the smart business take advantage of the crisis.

What businesses should remember: There is a lot of opportunity if they can make it through the slow economy, he said. The key is to make sure employees can handle the work required, he said.

What businesses can do: They can help their employees work more effectively by letting them be a part of decisions, he said. Businesses also should help motivate employees and make sure they can work well with other employees.

What other steps business can take: Many leading businesses are "wrapping themselves around meaning" by aligning themselves with a social cause, he said. Many people would rather spend money on a socially responsible business, he said.

What his business does: Hill offers online seminars for organizations and businesses. He lives in Carson City with his wife and four children.