Letters to the editor

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Public Works helped senior stay mobile

I would like to say thank you to Carson City and a special thank you to Mr. Patrick Pittenger, Public Works Department.

My grandson (Koen Seibert) and I were having problems getting across Airport Road because there were no handicapped access.

I called the Transportation Division and set up an appointment with Mr. Pittenger the following day at 10 a.m. He showed up on the spot, we talked awhile and then we went outside. At this time I showed him what needed to be done; he took pictures and the following week a work crew came out and laid out what had to be completed.

Two weeks later the work crew was back and started their work. The handicap access was installed and even a new sidewalk to 7-Eleven.

Now Koen and I can get my power chair across Airport Road to catch the JAC bus and get to the store. Thank you, Mr. Pittenger, for giving us seniors the freedom we needed.

Koen says thank you, now he can get to 7-Eleven for his Slurpee and bag of chips. All work was completed the day before Thanksgiving.


Carson City

Liars practicing for political career

Regarding the front page article in the Appeal Dec. 1 titled, "Students Lie, Cheat and Steal." Give the kids a break. Maybe they are planning a future as politicians and are just practicing for the job, considering the example they are given.


Carson City

Liberals, leave AM radio alone

My first reaction after reading the "neocon heroes deserve ridicule" letter in the Tuesday Appeal was, "Why are liberals always so angry?" The letter was very well written and perfectly expressed the opinions of the writer, but why all the vitriol and personal attacks on conservative radio talk hosts and politicians?

The liberals now have control of both houses of Congress and the White House and should be deliriously happy and liberated to pursue their own socialist agendas with BHO leading the charge. Aiding and abetting the liberals in their search for social justice will be the usual lineup of liberal newspapers, TV and cable news shows and other mainstream media outlets that helped BHO sweep to victory in the past election.

As for the conservative talk show hosts who were excoriated in the letter, all I can say is thank God for AM radio. For many years, AM radio was given up for dead but with the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity and scores of others, the listeners tuned in and the format is now revived and producing generous revenue streams to private business owners. AM radio is providing an invaluable service to listeners by bringing conservative viewpoints to an otherwise far-left-leaning landscape of media outlets.

Liberal attempts to produce counter-programming on the radio band have all failed miserably in their attempt to produce listeners and revenue and will no doubt lead the Democrat-controlled Congress and White House to revive the "Fairness Act" which will kill AM radio's ability to earn revenue for private business.

No one wants to listen to perpetually angry liberals delivering their angry, socialist views and constantly deriding the virtues of this great country. Radio listeners who crave the liberal viewpoints can push the FM button and tune into NPR, which is funded by taxpayers. Do we want government liberals controlling every media outlet in this country? Not I.


Carson City

Bush is the real Teflon president

Regarding the letter by Don Qualls on Teflon president (Barack Obama). He lists Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, etc., as evidence and states that guilt by association is OK. Amazing! Mr. Qualls is another that has turned a blind eye to the actions of the most Teflon of all presidents.

Here's a quiz: What president cherrypicked intelligence to justify a totally unnecessary war with 4,000 soldiers and Marines killed, tens of thousands wounded and hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties? What president sent the military into an optional war without the best equipment available?

What president systematically looted the treasury through no-bid contracts to cronies with no oversight, resulting in billions unaccounted for? What president charged to take the moral low ground by authorizing torture of prisoners? We executed some Japanese officials for exactly the same techniques after World War II.

What president thumbed his nose at the Constitution by illegally spying on Americans? What president systematically dismantled regulations on financial institutions, putting us in the fiscal mess we face right now?

George W. Bush.

Associations of Obama pale in light of the disasters of the last eight years. Mr. Qualls' last shot was at Harry Reid. Simply put, Sen. Reid has done more for soldiers and veterans than any other politician in office today. Thanks to Sen. Reid, military pay raises have been implemented over the objections of the administration; retired military people no longer fund their own service-connected disability pay; it looks like military widows will no longer have their pensions arbitrarily reduced at age 62 (and then offset by their Social Security).

Harry Reid is an embarrassment? This kind of embarrassment is what our military needs. By the way, as a retired Army officer, I am far from a left-wing pacifist, but I am deeply troubled by what has been done to the country that I proudly fought for (unlike our illustrious president).


Carson City