Brad Horn/Appeal File PhotoThe Rev. Steve Boettcher, left, offers "God's Lifeline" and youth-group nights in his Stagecoach home. He and his family were chosen today for an Extreme Home Makeover by the ABC team led by Ty Pennington.
STAGECOACH -- The television program Extreme Makeover is at the home of Mary and Steve Boettcher on Cimmaron Trail in Stagecoach this morning.
Neighbors gathering at the corner of Cimmaron Trail and Shonshone Drive said they heard twice, but could not see, the traditional cadence shouted through a bullhorn by television host Ty Pennington, "Good morning Boettcher family!"
The neighborhood was plastered Tuesday with flyers announcing that crews will be working in the area from today through Jan. 19.
"We will arrive early in the morning and then work continuously, 24 hours a day, for the following eight days rebuilding a brand new home. We would illuminate the house in order to work at night and production would continue uninterrupted until the end of the day on Saturday, Jan. 19," the flyer states.
Access the area of the rebuild is limited.
Lyon County has provided road closures on Apache Drive from Aztec Way to Iroquois Trail and on Cimarron Trail from Apache Drive to Sioux Lane.
Residents will be provided with passes so that security guards with the television program know they can pass to their homes, the flyer states.
The Boettchers run a youth ministry group known as Soul'd Out Ministries. The couple owns an acre of land in the small mobile home community about 16 miles east of Dayton. They are currently living in a 1972, 720-square-foot mobile home with a 760-foot-garage in which they hold their youth groups Wednesday and Thursday nights.
The Boettcher family includes 51-year-old Steve; 48-year-old Mary Boettcher; daughter, 20-year-old Stephanie Boettcher and her son, 18-month-old Joshua who requires 24-hour care due to a respiratory illness, requiring Stephanie to remain at home with him, unable to work or even sleep in her own bedroom.
The makeover comes with help from Reno-based West Haven Development Group and hundreds of volunteer workers.
Check back later to see where you can sign up to volunteer and for photos from the site.