Doesn't like the caucus system
Everyone who knows me knows how passionate I am about my Republican background and I don't think I've missed an election or primary since I was old enough to vote. I'm now 84 and no fault of my own will I miss voting at the caucus on Saturday. I will have a kidney removed on Friday and will be in the hospital for several days. I've called everyone I know asking if I can vote absentee. No way!! Thanks a lot whoever or what politicians are responsible for not letting my vote be important.
Carson City
A primer on the Democratic caucus
I write this because so many of us do not fully comprehend what a caucus is. I hope this will help some of you get out and caucus on Saturday.
A presidential caucus is the only chance you have to vote for the candidate you want on the ballot for your party. You cannot go to the "primary" and vote to nominate a presidential candidate. The primary is reserved for other races, but NOT presidential.
The Democrat Caucus will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. (the Republican caucus is at 9 a.m.). If you are registered you should receive a notice advising you of your caucus location. You can also go to (or to look up your precinct and caucus location.
You must NOT BE LATE for the Democratic caucus. After 11 a.m. you may not be admitted. If you are not a registered voter you can register at your caucus location, or you can change your party affiliation, and register as a Democrat at the location. You must be a registered Democrat to participate in the Democrat Caucus. (Republicans must already be registered to participate in theirs).
Once you arrive you will go to the part of the room which is designated for your chosen candidate. Once everyone is assembled, a count will be taken. If any candidate does not have enough supporters and falls below a certain percentage of voters, that candidate becomes a non-viable candidate. Should that occur the voters standing in the non-viable section will be asked to choose a different candidate. A count will be taken again. And that's it, it is very easy.
It is so important for Nevadans to caucus this year. We are the first Western state to caucus. Iowa and New Hampshire have had record turnouts for their caucuses so far. It is very important that Nevada do the same. Be sure to have a second choice candidate, just in case. It will be fun, and you will be a part of history in the making.
If you have questions you can call the Democratic Headquarters at 841-DEMS.
See you at the caucus on Saturday.
Carson City
Caucus excludes those who must work
I was glad to be invited to participate in the political process this Saturday. However, I am told to be there at 9 a.m.
How can a person who leaves Carson at 6:30 a.m. and returns from work at 6:30 p.m. be included in the political process? I am used to voting in private with the polls open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
How is our new policy better than voting in private during extended hours?
Carson City
Political ads should be in English
Regarding billboards and radio ads to appear in Spanish: This is America. We speak and read in English not in Spanish. If they can't speak our language they should not be allowed to vote. Personally I will not vote for any candidates, Democrat or Republican that say I approve this ad, period.
Ron Paul is an opportunity for change
Many of you recognize the many things that Ron Paul touched upon when he visited Carson City; the opportunity has now risen for us to effect change in this nation, and become that great beacon of freedom once again. You've heard the man and the message, the next step is to take action.
We the people are the master of both Congress and the courts as President Lincoln once said, so now is the time to remind the government of this fact.
Carson City