Name: Roy J. Casey
Age: 58
Education: BS Education, MED Education
Profession: Director of the Western Nevada Regional Training Center for teachers and administrators
Political experience: First time for elected office
Please write a short biography of yourself (you might include such things as birthplace, career, community involvement, family, etc.):
Personal Information: I have been married to Chris (she is originally from Alabama) for the past 33 years and I have two children, Jacqueline (student at UNR) and Justin (an active member of the US Air Force). I have one grandchild, AJ, who is new to the world and is only fifteen months young. I was born and grew up in Fallon, Nevada I enjoy horseback riding; and in fact, I have ridden competition in a long distance event called "endurance riding." I was drafted into the Army immediately after graduating with my undergraduate degree from UNR. My family attends St. Teresa's Catholic church in Carson City.
I was raised in situational poverty and was told by my teachers in Fallon that in order to get out of poverty I would need to get a "good" education. I believe that every student can and must be successful in learning given the time and opportunity as afforded by outstanding teachers and administrators. I believe in our education systems and that teachers and administrators along with parents and community members hold the resources available for student success.
Professional Information: I am the original director of the regional training program for teachers and administrators; I began serving in that role during the 1999-2000 school year. I originally led the Western Nevada Regional Training Program (WNRTP) along with the responsibilities associated with my primary job as the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services for Douglas County School District. In 2005, I retired from Douglas County and state service after 30 years and became the full-time director with the WNRTP. In addition to my director duties, I provides group facilitation; school and district improvement planning, implementation and evaluation; administrative training, mentoring and coaching; data analysis; strategic planning; training in effective instructional practice and curriculum.
In my professional tenure, I have served as a teacher, a principal and a superintendent of school systems. I spent six years in the Nevada Department of Education as a school improvement and Title I consultant and served as a co-consultant for the Nevada Education Reform Initiative under Goals 2000.
A recent example of my professional service was the facilitation of the Teaching Quality Task Force which was a statewide committee charged with the development of a plan for educator improvement and collaboration. I currently provide leadership to the Statewide Coordinating Council which provides coordination to all four of the regional training programs. I possess a strong working relationship with members of the local school districts, Nevada Department of Education administrators and consultants and members of the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. I hold a B.S. and M.Ed. in Education earned from the University of Nevada, Reno.
Have you ever been arrested? If so, when and for what offense? No
Do you have children, and if so do/did they attend Nevada's public school system?
Yes, both graduated from Carson High School after attending Eagle Valley Middle School and Seeliger Elementary School
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
I would bring a K-12 prospective to the State Board of Education; unify the members of the State Board to focus on the policies, regulations, and practices of teaching and learning for K-12 students; and build a collaborative relationship between the State Board, Nevada Department of Education, the Nevada State Legislature and LCB; and the Governor's initiatives on education to provide a solid source for educational funding.
How would grade Nevada's public education system (A-F)?
According to the regional parent surveys of schools in Carson and Douglas parents rate their schools well above average in their child's learning in core academic subjects as well as school home communications; therefore I would rate our schools above average too. As students, themselves, must reach higher academic standards systems continue to focus teaching and resources to ensure their success. Both schools and students should receive a "B" for growing and getting even better!
What should be the goal of Nevada's education system?
Ensure that all students have basic and more advanced skills academically and vocationally in order to prepare them for the workforce and higher education.
How can school districts be successful under current budget constraints, which are expected to worsen?
Schools must stay focused on the "prize." The prize is student learning! This can be done by increasing student engagement in their learning. This is not expensive! It means an adult commitment to the refinement of their current practices. National and state research states the greatest difference in student learning is based on the teachers' knowledge, skills, and behaviors! We can do this in the best and worst of financial times!
Would you support school vouchers, giving parents a choice of where to send their children?
Yes, I believe that the "bottom line" is to provide education to all of our children to better allow them to become productive members of their families, communities, our state, and the nation. I also believe that all adults and schools should be held accountable for the education of all students. Those paying for education deserve the best. The student learning accountable must be transparent for all parents and communities to decide which school is best for their children.
Why should voters support you rather than your opponent?
I have the most recent and broadest K-12 education experience. I am in classrooms, schools, and districts. I work with schools and districts that need to refocus their strengths upon teaching and learning. I am kind, honest, professional, and respect the opinions of students and school community members. I believe in making the difficult decisions after gathering input in order to focus schools and systems. I don't get hung-up on the adult issues in schools but refocus them on student learning. I am great at problem solving!
What else would you like to say to voters about your qualifications and ideas?
The Nevada State Board of Education needs sound education leadership. I will bring my personal strengths to the Board which are relator, self-assurance, strategic, learner, and futuristic (Strengths Finder 2.0). I believe that a great teacher and a caring parent, together, takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart of every student! Allow me the opportunity to provide that sound education leadership for this great state and let's do this together!