Today marks an inauspicious occasion. Do you realize we're roughly halfway between New Years' resolutions?
How are yours coming along? Do you remember what they were?
Even if we do, if we're honest, we've likely not made the progress on them we had envisioned. Why not?
We're usually pretty adept at recognizing our own weaknesses and failures, but much less able to effect change in them. According to the Bible, most issues in our lives require a change of heart - and that's too tall an order for us to handle. (See Mark 7:14-23)
But it's not too big for God. In fact, God doesn't expect us to fix ourselves - in fact, the Bible says we can't. Instead, God has done everything necessary for us to be made right with Him - through His only Son, Jesus Christ.
When we place faith in Jesus Christ, a total change occurs from the inside out.
"What this means is that those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!" - 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)
Through faith in Jesus Christ, you'll begin life all over again. That beats any resolution.
• Don Baumann is outreach pastor of Hilltop Community Church in Carson City and is a member of the Carson City Christian Ministerial Fellowship.