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by Trent Dolan

120 years ago

Hunters and fishermen are in arms with the obstruction of Washoe Lake by ranchers. The parties who have been in the habit of hunting and fishing there have banded together, taken legal advice and propose to make it warm for anyone who "obstructs the meander."

100 years ago

William Woodhouse, a gambler of Golconda, shot and killed Ed Casey, another gambler in the Gold Coin saloon this morning. The two men had been partners in the gambling house and last night dissolved the partnership by mutual consent. Both were intoxicated at the time, and little was thought of the trouble. This morning Woodhouse entered the Gold Coin and shot Casey five times without any warning whatsoever.

70 years ago

Work is proceeding as rapidly as possible on the bridge at Muller Lane, washed out by the flood last December. Inclement weather has interfered with the work to some extent.

50 years ago

The DoCarette Cootiettes have installed new officers. New officers include: Dorothy Atchison, chief grayback; Eva Giltner, lady louse; Opal Sheriman, baby louse; Berniece Schneider, shekel keeper; Rue Morris, scratcher; Mary Dodson, pious louse; Bernita Shaw, crummy chaser; Honora Muller, louse hunter, Irene Greenhaulgh, rustling louse and ivory louse; titewads, Betty Thorpe, Alvina Waslef and Martha Olds; Honora Muller, ink slinging louse; reporting, Irene Greenhaulgh and Bernice Schneider.

20 years ago

Carson City workers were honored at the annual employee banquet. Awardees were: William Berge, Walter Statton, Shannon Weaver, Sheila Conner and two volunteers, Art Horsell and Dot Ludel.

10 years ago

Carson City and Lyon County showed the two strongest gains in January taxable sales according to the State Department of Taxation.

• Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.