Now that the presidential field has been narrowed to three, it's become clear that we should not expect major reforms in immigration policy following Election Day. The differences between the candidates on the issue seem slight and while all talk about stepped-up border security, they all have supported paths to citizenship and guest worker programs.
It became clear during the Democratic caucus held in Carson City last year that immigration was foremost on the minds of voters - and candidates rose to the occasion and talked tough about reform. Now it looks like business as usual.
Not only is immigration reform unlikely on the national level, regulation efforts on the local level are also proving futile.
This week it was determined a section of a new Nevada law that imposes fines on businesses that employ illegal immigrants can't be enforced. That law is pre-empted by federal laws dealing with immigration.
That doesn't render states completely powerless ... businesses can still lose their licenses for illegal hiring. And, in cases where businesses are in violation repeatedly, that's exactly what should happen. The law is the law.
Who knows, maybe the new president will keep his or her promise on border security. That would fall short of reform, but at least it would be a step in the right direction.
• This editorial represents the view of the Nevada Appeal Editorial Board