Emotional healing meetings set for flood victims

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The Fernley Long-Term Recovery Team arranged for Warren Dale, an expert in traumatic stress to speak to residents affected by the January flood.

The first community meeting, open to the general public, will be hosted by Cottonwood Elementary School from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. May 15.

Dale, a fellow of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, has traveled all over the world to help people suffering from the effects of disasters recover.

He has provided presentations to communities after Hurricane Katrina, Southern California fires, Mexican and El Salvadoran earthquakes, conflicts in Bosnia and Sri Lanka and Indonesia tsunamis.

He will speak in Fernley about how to understand and facilitate self-healing from stress, cumulative stress and post-traumatic stress.

On May 16, Dale will present a program aimed specifically at school officials, church coordinators and professional mental health workers. The focus will be to give professionals information on how to provide support in ways that helps the community regain its resiliency.

For more information about Dale's background, go to the National Center for Crisis Management's Web site at www.nc-cm.org/biowarrendale.htm.

For further information about meetings or for assistance in flood recovery, contact the Fernley Long-Term Recovery Team at 784-9971 or e-mail floodrecovery@gmail.com.