Letters to the editor

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V&T funding formula could be enforced

When I read the Sept. 28 Editorial "V&T Cooperation Amounts to Wishful Thinking" I was happy to see the truth that Washoe County will benefit more than Carson City from the railroad project. Economic impact estimates must be cut by 70 percent when estimating the direct benefit to Carson City. With all due respect, most rail tourists will stay at Reno or Sparks hotels like the Nugget, Atlantis or Peppermill.

At the same time, I must disagree with a couple points. The editorial claims, "There is no enforcement mechanism to fix the problem created by the lack of foresight used in creating the V&T Commission." Not true! As suggested by the AG's office, a citizen-initiated lawsuit could ask a court to interpret and enforce the law. If they rule positively the funding mechanism would be enforced.

While the editorial refers to "the lack of foresight," I think the Legislature showed foresight. If the counties didn't fully fund the project it would have been a dead letter, not a sinking ship. All budgets passed by the commission have skirted the law and ignored the intent of the Legislature. Until 2003 the state was offering $5 million in matching funding. The Commission missed the boat.

There's one more point of contention. When discussing the lack of funding and cooperation from other counties, the editorial claimed "that spirit is strong in a boom economy, but it left town long ago." I must respectfully note that this law has existed since 1993 and we have experienced two boom times since then, the Internet boom and the housing boom.

If boom times had anything to do with it, the commission would have been fully funded in 1999 or 2005. The commission clearly feels they are above the law, regardless of the economic environment.



No laws are keeping letter writer in America

First I appreciate your attempt to remain evenhanded in the articles and letters that you allow to appear on the OP-ED page. It requires a lot of courage to publish ideas with which you may not agree and since you are receiving letters of outrage from both ends of the political spectrum you are probably doing a good job of remaining neutral.

When Tony Blair was Prime minister of England an aide asked "Why do you seem to be such a fan of the Americans?" Mr. Blair replied, "You can validate a society by counting how many people are trying to get in, versus how many are trying to get out."

If Mr. Nordmeyer (letters to the editor, Sept. 28) retains such strong allegiance to Germany why is his return address Carson City? So far as I know there are no "Press-Gangs" roaming Germany or any other country forcing individuals to immigrate to America against their will, so if he has such disdain for the American culture why did he come here and why does he remain here?



A former German proud to be an American

I am a German American " naturalized citizen of the U.S. in 1962.

I was stunned by the statements made by Herr Wolfgang Nordmeyer, J.D. in Sunday's Nevada Appeal. Many of his initial statements were a collection of statistical errors and personal exaggerations. It would take a full page of your paper to counter these so I will focus on the final paragraph, which was offensive to me and probably many other German Americans. I hope that Herr Nordmeyer is not a naturalized U.S. citizen because if he is, he has already pledged an official allegiance to the U.S. and not to the Bundesrepublik, Deutschland, and therefore his statement about allegiance to the German flag would make him a hypocrite. If he is a German citizen, I would only say that based on German history, any German should be the last to preach to us about a superior moral code.

Further, if he is a born U.S. citizen, he should be ashamed of himself. My questions to him would be: What has the German government done in the last 50 years to stand up to tyranny and genocide? Certainly not in the Balkans (Germany's back yard) or anywhere else in the world. What kind of a moral code does Berlin demonstrate? They did however send some non-combat (to be sure to not take any risks) troops to Afghanistan.

I am a born German who survived WWII and immigrated legally to the U.S. in 1946. I have visited Germany a number of times over the years and am not convinced that the people there are truly "sorry" about what Germany did to the rest of the world during WWII. I never saw or heard any evidence of it. Most of the people that I talked to there, including relatives of all ages, have very limited knowledge about the extent of death and destruction Germany perpetrated in WWII. They tend to minimize everything or "just want to forget."

The two most important actions I have taken in my life were to swear allegiance to the U.S. and its flag: first when I became a U.S. citizen and second when I joined the U.S. Air Force. Herr Nordmeyer shames those of us of German heritage who have become patriotic U.S. citizens.


Carson City

Want good customer service? Try DMV

It's easy to be critical, but sometimes we forget to thank those who supply good service.

Normally we register our vehicles on the computer with the DMV. Because of a veteran exemption we have to visit the DMV office. For those who might not have had the pleasure, it has become an efficient, polite, and fast experience. The DMV is no longer a chore but a pleasurable activity. We are thankful.

don becker

Carson City

Democrats made an unwelcome scene at rally

This is in response to Paul (J-M) Ruth's letter in which he chastised Carson City Democrats for not joining him and his out of town clowns in disrupting Gov. Palin's speech at Mills Park. Where is it written in stone that when the neighboring town holds a political rally, it is the duty of all area members of the opposition party to disrupt it? Could it be that the Carson City Democrats have more politesse than you and your outbackers? You mentioned that it was a "great day" when the opposition can demonstrate against the ruling administration. FYI, Sarah is not a member of the "ruling administration." The "ruling administration" is the evil axis of Pelosi and Reid.

You seemed genuinely surprised that the "drunken Republicans" were unhappy. The people that you so uncharitably described had been patiently waiting in line, or sitting at tables close to the large outdoor television screen (as we were) for several hours.

Many families with teenagers, toddlers and strollers were present. I met a (former) Navy family from Bishop that was appalled at your behavior and could not understand why the sheriff did not shut your down for disturbing the peace ... which is precisely what you were doing. At the end of the speech, I walked over to look at your illustrious group. What I saw was a rag-tag bunch of about 20-30 people, screeching mindless slogans, led by an old doll yelling into a hand-held bullhorn. I am not an authority on identifying drunks, but several of you were obviously bleary-eyed, possibly from walking all the way from Fernley.

Maybe next time we do something like this, you could be quiet (and listen ... you might learn something). Else, we might create a diversion for our friendly sheriff, while we have several stalwart lads rearrange your coiffure with that stupid bullhorn.

This is written partly "tongue-in-cheek," you figure out which is which.


Carson City

Obama button proves racism still exists

Every election is important, but this one feels different. It feels as if our whole country depends on all of us making the right decision. So much is riding on this, we had better get it right this time.

I have never been so excited, interested, and inspired by a presidential election. I feel this election can make or break us as a country.

All of that being said, my vote will be going to Barack Obama. I have been following his campaign since day one and have become more and more aware of the racism that still exists in our country. I have been wearing an Obama button everywhere I go, and it seems like at least once a day someone has a nasty comment about it. I'd rather not repeat the things that were said because they are hateful, ignorant and repulsive.

I am to the point now if someone says anything of that sort I tell them that I won't respond but a comment that ignorant is not worthy of a response. I wish I could say that we have grown as a nation; sadly I can't.

I am all for freedom of choice, maybe sometime in my lifetime it will catch on.



Not sold on public safety ballot question

Carson City voters will be asked to raise their taxes significantly this November to support public safety. We all value public safety, but nobody could accuse taxpayers of being stingy with our sheriff's and fire departments. The city finance office reports that we paid a total of $14.8 million for a brand new sheriff's department administration building. The sheriff stated, " Carson City has constructed one of the finest and most respectable public safety complexes in the state of Nevada." The current budget also allowed for a huge recent increase in salaries to top brass at the department. Yet we hear the same old scare tactic that money will come from "parks, libraries and recreation" if we don't approve more for the sheriff's department. Many current department employees, along with a long time former sheriff, have called the current tax initiative nothing more than a "wish list."

The fire department charges nearly $900 on average for an ambulance call. Although the department receives less than this, the ambulance is a proven money maker for the city. According to the citizens' ad hoc committee to study public safety services, the idea to privatize the ambulance service was abandoned due to the fact that it would have a "negative fiscal impact on the general fund." Being as this service obviously has a positive financial impact on the city, any additional ambulance units should pay for themselves.

Any politician or current candidate that supports this or any other initiative to raise our taxes should be met with skepticism. They will likely continue to look at taxes as the first option to solve various issues that may arise. True leaders will prioritize what they have, be innovative, and save tax increases as an absolute last resort.


Carson City

Wishes good hygiene was contagious

With flu season around the corner, having clean hands is very important. Have you ever noticed how many people leave a public restroom without washing their hands? I am of the opinion more women wash their hands than men. I have been told by numerous male friends that they have seen many men not washing their hands before leaving a public restroom. That is very disgusting to me.

Throughout the day, you accumulate germs on your hands from a variety of sources, such as direct contact with people, contaminated surfaces, foods, even animals and animal waste. If you don't wash your hands frequently enough, you can infect yourself with these germs by touching your eyes, nose or mouth. And you can spread these germs to others by touching them or by touching surfaces that they also touch, such as doorknobs.

Infectious diseases that are commonly spread through hand-to-hand contact include the common cold, flu and several gastrointestinal disorders, such as infectious diarrhea. Some people with the flu, particularly older adults and people with chronic medical problems, can develop pneumonia. The combination of the flu and pneumonia, in fact, is the eighth-leading cause of death among Americans.

There are certain public places that I'm in favor of how their restrooms are constructed. For instance, the Galaxy Fandango movie theater. No doors to open going into the restroom. Touch free toilets and sinks. Each limiting the objects one would touch while using the restroom.

The Smiths grocery store in Dayton also has a little something to help with this issue. Clorox hand wipes at the entrance of the store to clean off the shopping carts handles. They also have a stand at the meat department of disinfectant hand wipes to use after handling and bagging your selections. Very good idea!

I suggest everyone spend at least one day, while out in public, thinking about how many people had touched something before you. Nasty! Sure, I may sound like a hypochondriac, but its better to be safe than sorry.

