Letters to the editor

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Wrong tax on the wrong people

I strongly question the wisdom of asking Carson City residents to support CC2 " the Public Safety Ballot issue " which we vote on in the upcoming election.

While many people will think that a levy of 12.5 cents/$100 is insignificant, it will come as a shock when we see the effect this will have on our tax bill.

Looking at our latest assessed evaluation mailed in July 2008 by the Carson City Assessor, we were surprised that the assessed value of our home increased from last year's assessment of $118,731.00 to $130.049.00 " almost a 10 percent increase.

Calculating the cost of the passage of CC2 " the Public Safety Ballot " on our assessed evaluation of $130,049 results in an increase of $162.50/year or $13.54 a month. While property taxes have increased, our home values have plummeted.

Adoption of CC2 is simply unacceptable, besides being the wrong approach. It will seriously effect residents on fixed incomes who are currently struggling to make ends meet.

A more sensible approach is to adopt an increase in the sales tax rate. This will make everyone share the burden of supporting the need for additional money for public safety.

Carson City has numerous visitors during special events. Special events, commuters and out of town shoppers are significant. The overflow from these events (both in Reno and Carson City) provides substantial sales tax revenue to support this issue.


Carson City

We can't keep borrowing to pay bills

Back on Sept. 15 I sent the following letter to Senator Harry Reid. He did not reply.

A nation that borrows money/loans from other countries to pay its bills, rather than through increased taxation, is causing a serious economic crisis. Any government that borrows from others instead of being fiscally responsible within its own country will eventually collapse. We are on the verge of that now. We cannot just keep paying the interest when the bills come due. Oh by the way, Senator Reid, why are we giving the country of Georgia, a $1 billion loan to rebuild their country when our economy is going to hell?



Let's vote for smart people

Government is not our enemy, it's simply society's contract to provide for our common needs. Our problem is that as a country we don't pay attention and demand accountability of the representatives we elect to run the government. We need people who will govern well, not just seek to dismantle government. Can we do better this time?

Let's not base our vote on a familiar name, physical appearance, who we'd most like to have a beer with, or party affiliation. This year let's vote for people who are smart and thoughtful, who have good judgment and aren't impulsive, reckless risk-takers. Let's vote for those who work for everyone, not just the most powerful.

Can we finally abandon the lie of "trickle-down" economics and make providing good education, good health care, and good jobs for everyone our new priority? Let's rebuild our economy based on environmental responsibility and energy independence.

Turn your backs on those who rely on fear-mongering, smears, and distractions to win votes. Vote for those who will reverse our shameful descent into torture, rendition, and unlawful detention. Vote for those who will uphold the Constitution, work with other countries to eliminate terrorism and poverty, and use military force only as a last resort.

A representative democracy like ours doesn't work without the informed participation of its citizens. If we won't accept this responsibility and vote wisely, we'll get the ineffective, failed government we deserve.



Voting for Obama

Obama and Biden should be the only two men even looked upon for the presidential posts. McCain is mean, angry and has no qualifications or direction or message except more deregulation. What can be said about Palin? A moron who has severe deep religious beliefs even to witchcraft, and absolutely no understanding of anything in the United States or World politics. Vote Obama, we need change and hope for a future.

EMMET WILSON, Vietnam vet
