Dennis Johnson

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Name: Dennis Johnson

Age: legal voting age plus quite a bit more

Address: 2489 Rockbridge

Phone number: 841-3825

Campaign Web site:

Education: Chabot College, Cal State, SJ City College, and San Jose State

Profession: Private Consultant for Eminent Domain and Related Property


Political experience: First run at elective office, but spent over 20

years working for public agencies and observed first hand how government

can cheat citizens and abuse private property rights in so many ways

while smiling and saying everything is good.

Please write a short biography of yourself (this answer may be up to 200

words; you might include such things as birthplace, career, community

involvement/volunteer efforts, family, etc.):

Born and raised in Wisconsin, entered USN, served total of 6 years.

Spent first years of working life as cost accountant and soon realized

daily spreadsheets were not for me.

At invitation of acquaintance, went to work in the Title Industry,

working in various positions within company. State required Subdivision

documentation, construction, and sale-out escrow work and title

research. After 10 years of title and title related work, hired by a

large city for the purpose of cleaning up botched Redevelopment project,

an assignment that lasted over 2 years.

Additional projects worked on for public agencies, [city, state and

federal] include a freeway not unlike Carson Bypass, Mt. Rose Highway,

ReTRAC, an Airport Noise Abatement Clearance Zone project of about 1100

residential units, minor/major streets and other Redevelopment projects

ranging from 6 to 450+ million dollars.

Designated Expert Witness in legal proceedings on property and Eminent

Domain matters in 2 states (CA and NV), testifying in over 30 cases of

various natures related to above.

In 2006 assisted in writing ballot argument in favor of Question

#2-Eminent Domain reform.

Testified before 2005 legislature on Redevelopment Issues and during

2007 legislative session, I testified on Eminent Domain matters.

Describe your vision for the Carson City of the future:

A city that finally shows good planning for the downtown area, and using

that success to spread it throughout the entire Carson Street corridor,

and then the rest of the City. A city that protects and respects the

rights of private property owners while completing well planned, well

managed, reasonable and affordable city beautification and street

improvement projects. I envision a near total change from current

conditions that cause "wheels" to be reinvented continuously.

What are the three most important elements to the quality of life in

Carson City?

1) The citizens of Carson City must feel safe in their daily lives, at

home or work, play or anywhere in between.

2) The citizens of Carson City must have faith in their government and

its operations, and that each citizen and his/her opinion is important

and not have the perception that they have been brushed off with phony

lip service.

3) The citizens of Carson City must have use of the great recreational

resources located within the city, and not have to wonder whose

friend(s) benefited from the process

List the three most important issues Carson City will face in the next few


1) Very lean economic times that must be taken very seriously starting


2) Close responsible and effective monitoring and use of city assets

and resources, a complete change from today.

3) Challenging entire city budget elements for the purpose of ensuring

that no position is excessive, or a duplicate, and that all expenditures

for any purpose are necessary and justified.

Recently, the Chamber of Commerce executive director printed an

assessment of the aesthetics of Carson City1s business districts,

detailing many buildings and sites in disrepair. What kind of 3first

impression2 do you believe Carson City makes on visitors?

Carson City creates a reasonable first impression for those who arrive

via 395 north or south, and from 50 on the west. There are some areas

of 50 from the east that show a need for at least some cleanup. The

article specifically mentioned the recently closed lumberyard on Stewart

Street. Knowing the overall market for real estate of any nature, and

the current economy, there is reason to believe that the owner has not

had time to locate a buyer for the property. The time that the

property has been vacant has not been too long, all factors considered.

Would you support tougher standards on building owners, even if they

require those business owners to be fined or closed if they do not comply?

Reasonable maintenance standards and their enforcement are a necessary

part of property ownership within a municipal environment. Any one

property owner cannot be allowed to allow his/her property to decline to

a point that causes a negative effect on its neighboring properties, nor

can that property be allowed to cause a public safety issue. The

reasonable standards cannot be stretched to the point that it interferes

with the private property rights of the owner.

Sales tax revenues have been declining steadily in the city due to the slow

economy. If this trend continues, what can the city do to compensate? For

example, would you consider layoffs as part of the solution?

Any and all options must remain on the table for consideration of

reduction in expenses should the sales tax revenue continue the decline.

All indicators at this time do not paint a good picture for the next

few years. IF layoffs must occur, they must be the last option for all.

How would you characterize the level of crime in Carson City, including

gang-related crime? Do you believe the city needs more law enforcement


A review of the Appeal postings indicates Carson City has a relatively

low overall crime rate. Some isolated incidents appear to be blown out

of proportion to make it appear crime is out of control. What the cause

of the disproportionate writings might be are irrelevant. The citizens

deserve to have a clear and complete status of crime activities in

Carson City.

The report by Transparent Nevada shows high overtime payments to public

safety staff. Can that overtime be used for more staff? Can the high

amounts of overtime be an indication we are wearing out our public

safety staff?

How will you vote on the public safety ballot question that asks voters if

they want to increase their property taxes to add more firefighters,

paramedics and law enforcement officers? Why?

If the question asks my personal vote, I will not disclose that as I am

a very staunch proponent of the secret ballot our county enjoys.

If the question is in the official capacity of a Supervisor, I will vote

as the people collectively vote as the process is another great part of

this country. I will not vote against the will of the people as

expressed in their voting process.

How will you vote on the V&T tax ballot question, which proposes using

sales tax to provide $10 million for the railroad in return for a share

of the profits. Why?

The V&T Tax question is the only vote that I am willing to discuss

openly. I will vote NO on a personal basis as I have some very, very

serious issues with how the Commission has conducted its and the

people's business. I have expressed that opinion in recent meetings

after records were made public.

If I am called upon to vote on the tax in an official capacity, I will

again cast my vote in the same manner as the citizens of Carson City

have voted. Again, I will not go against the vote of the people.

Is there enough for young people to do in Carson City? Could the city do

better? If so, how?

Without knowing the definition the Appeal has for "young people", I

think there are a number of things that are relatively easy and

inexpensive for the 'young people' to do, making a number of them

available for all. It would be foolish to think that there is nothing

more that can be done.

Knowing that the Boys and Girls club is approaching reality, it will go

a long way for adding a laundry list of things that 'young people' and

others will be able to do for either pass-times, recreation, or healthy


Carson City has a detailed plan to make the downtown more inviting to

walking traffic, which includes a reduction in lanes. Do you support the

overall plan? What are your ideas for improving downtown?

I support the concept of the downtown plan, however, I would use paint

rather than construction for reducing traffic lanes until the completion

of the bypass and a reasonable time to take inventory of the impact on

the entire Carson Street corridor. Too much money has been spent on non

productive activities in the downtown area and Carson City does not have

to go through another reinvention of the downtown plan. Curry Street

has lots of potential that can and should be addressed while awaiting

the bypass.

The city has recently attracted retailers by offering monetary incentives.

Do you support this policy? If not, what strategy do you believe the city

should use to attract businesses to locate here rather than in nearby


There are good uses of incentives and there are futile uses. Any use of

such incentives should have sufficient supporting documentation to

justify their use other than someone's hunches. A better program may be

to use street enhancements of varying types to help draw citizens downtown.

No program should be promoted that causes the city to spend money before

the private party does. Working in tandem with the businesses is a far

better approach to attracting retailers. This could include judicious

use of joint or redevelopment advertising with plenty of advance

noticing of activities.

Carson City has been in competition with Douglas County for retail

businesses and the sales tax dollars they bring. Is this competition

healthy? Are you in favor of exploring an arrangement that would combine

business recruitment efforts and share sales tax revenue?

Competition is almost always a good incentive for business.

Uncontrolled or unlimited response to that competition can be costly.

Carson City needs to ensure it does not attempt to entice similar

businesses to that which we currently enjoy as the high potential to cut

each others business can damage both.

A mutually beneficial "commercial/retail zone" that can benefit both

Douglas and Carson counties is very well worth pursuing at the state and

local level.

Do you believe Carson City1s library is adequate? Would you support a

tax to expand and improve the library? Why?

The current library appears to be worn and tired. Adequate in some

areas and not adequate in most areas.

I would support a voter approved tax for an expanded remodeled or new

library. In the past few years I have observed that there are those

who claim a new project wont cost more money because a tax is about to

expire and the new one will take its place thereby deflecting a true

increase in taxes from reality.

The citizens of Carson City have the right to increase their taxes or not.

Do you believe the city1s bus system is adequate? Should it be expanded?

The current bus system appears to be redundant on too many of its

routes. Before I would expand it, I would examine closely how much it

costs per passenger trip per year, including any grants for its

operation. I would also review all other options

Do you believe Carson City has an adequate number of parks and similar

facilities? Why?

For these current economic times I think that Carson City can place a

temporary hold on new acquisitions and spend any Question #18 money on

maintenance and improvements to the existing parks. Although it may be

a lightening rod in some circumstances, it would be more important to

complete the Boys and Girls Club.

What role should the city play, monetarily and otherwise, in supporting

private efforts in the areas of social services and arts? (examples include

Partnership Carson, City, CASA, etc.)

The city can be a catalyst for getting all parties together to look for

all options to address those issues. The city may not be able to be

the answer to every issue which comes forward, but that cannot stop it

from seeking solutions to the problems

The city can examine ways in which city-owned properties can be used to

assist certain programs, with the understanding that in most cases, the

city is required to charge the direct, hard costs applied to the use of

the property. There are certain other provisions that may allow some

entities to use city property with offsets for the services provided.

What else would you like to say to voters about your qualifications and


First, I would request that any and all readers view my entire website

as there is far more information there than I can include here.

My background in public agency work has given me the opportunity to view

issues from a wide variety of circumstances. There is more than a

single way to accomplish goals.

It has been suggested that Carson City stay the course. It is not

prudent to think the course should not be changed as factors change.

Carson City government cannot function properly with open doors and

closed minds.