State may privatize mail service

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Nevada's longtime state mail delivery service could by next year become a private operation, eliminating 21 government jobs and saving up to $400,000 a year.

State Budget Director Andrew Clinger said an analysis is under way to firm up the potential savings of privatizing the state mail system. If the numbers pencil out with the vendor selected by the state for detailed negotiations on a contract, it will become part of Gov. Jim Gibbons' budget for consideration by the 2009 Legislature.

Clinger, who declined to identify the Reno-based vendor by name, said the plan would be to phase in the privatization effort beginning in July 2009.

Every effort would be made to find other positions for the state employees, he said.

The employees are aware that privatization is being considered.

"The preliminary numbers that I was given showed potentially it could save us $400,000 a year," Clinger said. "It won't balance the budget but over 10 years, it would save some money."