The Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway has received the apparent low bid for the next phase of construction for the V&T Railway.
Q&D Construction Inc. outbid nine other companies at $6,686,666 to build a five-mile section that will run from Mound House across Highway 50 into Carson City over a bridge, according to Ken Dorr, project engineer.
The bid received from the apparent winner is $2,068,135 below the estimate of $8,754,802.
All bids will be reviewed and a recommendation will be given at October 6 commission meeting.
Workers on the 18-mile tourist railroad running from Virginia City to Carson City and modeled after the original 18th-century track will finish the most recent 4.5-mile section from American Flat in Storey County to outside Mound House in Lyon County in about a month.
This will total about six miles of track. About 1.5 miles from Gold Hill to the Overman Pit was finished in 2005.