Moonbean Publishing releases first book

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Karel Anona-Henry fought against the economic currents to start her own company, Moonbean Publishing.

And now she and co-writer Dana Fruend are celebrating the release of their first book, "Irish Flame's Biker & Travel Guide to Nevada, Vol. 1."

Ancona-Henry was turned down for conventional bank loans, which forced her to redo her business plan and start over.

"It was frustrating, knowing we had come so far and being unable to catch a break to complete the project," she said. "Our saving grace came through Microenterprise Initiative."

The Nevada Microenterprise Initiative is an independent non-

profit organization that works with the Small Business Administration to do small loans to businesses that are unable to find funding elsewhere.

"It's important that businesses have a place to turn when looking for investment capital," said Deborah Prout, president and chief executive officer of Nevada Microenter-

prise Initiative, "and in the last year our mix of clients has changed from primarily start-ups to many existing businesses seeking funding due to the economic changes and the fact that many traditional institutions are not lending."

Ancona-Henry had worked nearly 25 years as a journalist, editor and author. She wrote "Carson City Chamber of Commerce: 60 Years of History," for the Nevada Appeal, released at a governor's book signing in 2008. This is where she met Fruend, who was then the Nevada Appeal's events planner.

Both the Chamber book and the travel book were designed by Mary Weaver, who had worked for the Nevada Appeal before moving to New Mexico in 2008.

"Dana had been gathering information on the places she'd traveled as a wildland firefighter and motorcycle enthusiast and had even done a mock-up of how she wanted the book to look," Ancona-Henry said.

Ancona-Henry had considered starting a publishing company years earlier, but needed a sustainable project to make it a success, she said.

"Other projects often have a limited shelf life," Ancona-Henry explained. "The biker guide is a renewable tool that will be serialized."

Working closely with Edward Ventos, loan officer for Microenterprise Initiative, Ancona-Henry fine-tuned her business plan and sales projections several times. The book was funded in June and came off the presses the end of July.

"You know, it's about finding the resources - finances, people, whatever you need to make your business a success and being willing to wear many hats," she said. "We had a fantastic product that filled a huge information gap, we had the ability to write and edit, one of the best designers I could have asked for and a great marketing team led by Dana. Microenterprise took a leap of faith right along with us and I think that's the lesson."

In addition to publishing, Moonbean offers editing, writing and coaching services.

"Irish Flame's Biker & Travel Guide to Nevada, Vol. 1" is available at, where there is a schedule of bike events and signings, or call 775-246-4000.


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